Chapter Seven

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"So I get to see you in a bridesmaid's dress," Carl grins childishly.

"I get to see you in a tuxedo," I remind him with an also childish glare.

"Who said I had to be a groomsmen?" he gasps in true horror.

"Glenn," I shrug. "The groom."

He shudders at the thought before clearing his throat and asking, "You going to be alright if you go try to find the shop?"

I stiffen. He asked if I'd be okay... Is he worried about me?

"No shit, Sherlock," I roll my eyes. "My gun's loaded and I've still got my whip. Michonne's got a sword and Maggie has a gun, too."

"Hmm..." Carl grumbles.

"Hey, I can protect myself," I remind him, shoving him lightly. "You're starting to sound like your dad."

"Right back at you."

"I don't sound like my dad," I growl. "I'm not anything like him."

"I know you aren't, because I hate him and i like you," he grins.

I hate him and I like you... I like you...

"Yay! Carl Grimes likes me," I fake squeal.

He rolls his eyes playfully and says, "Hey. I don't like many people. Consider yourself lucky."

"Yeah, I'm really lucky. I had to kill my mom, have an awful son of a bitch as a dad, my sister was beheaded, my two best friends are missing, and my overall best friend's parents are dead and I liked them, too," I shake my head. I swear I see him twitch when I say 'best friends'.

"Two best friends?"

"Oh, yeah. The people from my dream I told you about. Cirby and Rian. Cirby was Otis's daughter. Rian was just this boy the two of us found in the woods. I couldn't have been luckier having them in my life. But then my dad kicked them out of Woodbury," I explain.

His face contorts slightly when I talk about Rian.

Oh my god, wait... Does he think I had a crush on Rian?

"Just...promise me you'll be careful," Carl says quietly.

I suddenly fight the urge to kiss him. Damn, Kayleigh, you've really fallen head over heels for this kid.

"Of course," I respond, equally quiet.

Carl blankly pulls me into a hug, which I gratefully return.

"I never thought I'd have to say goodbyes before having to go wedding dress shopping," I chuckle.

"Well, those brides, though," Carl chuckles in return.

"Oh, just focus wearing your cowboy hat," I command jokingly, placing it on his head.

"It's a sheriff hat," he corrects me, grinning. "Again, be careful."

"Yeah, ill be careful not to get eaten alive by walkers and ill be careful to not get sheriff hats mixed up with cowboy hats," I laugh.

I grab my knapsack off the bunk and announce, "Well, I'm off."

"Be careful."

"For the last time, I will. Bye, Carl," I grin, walking out the door.

Beth lingers in the hallway and practically squeals when she sees me.

"Kayleigh, he totally loves you!" she says excitedly. "You have to tell me about this on the way."

"As long as Michonne, Maggie, and Carol don't hear," I say, tucking my gun into my pocket like I used to all the time.

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