Chapter Eighteen

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**Kayleigh's Pov**

I crouch beside Carl as Rick demonstrates a new trap to us. We've spent a few days traveling now, and I've started to trust him with more. I finally told Carl about my family and my friends. And he's been very trustworthy.

"So," I say to Rick, taking a snare myself and doing what he just did. "Like this?"

He looks up at me, smiling softly and nodding. I return it. My dad would be so ashamed of me, but... I don't need him. I dont. I've lasted on my own.

"Help! Someone help me, please!"

Carl dashes around us and towards the noise.

"Carl!" Rick immediately rushes into action and takes off after his son.

Michonne follows her. Carl crashes through the trees, desperately running towards the man's cries for help.

In a clearing just ahead of them, the man's getting circled by at least forty walkers. Carl, who they've finally caught up to, tries to run to his aid, but Rick grabs him around the waist and pulls him back. He struggles against his dad, but it's no use. The man is swallowed by the hoard and torn limb from limb.

I stay at the camp, waiting for their return. Or, at least our temporary camp.

In the distance ahead, I can see Carl panicking to his dad about the man who's just been killed. I sigh deeply.

Suddenly, I hear hissing and moaning from only a few feet away. Whirling around, I gasp as I come face to face with three walkers. I turn to Michonne, Rick, and Carl, who still aren't coming back, then back to the undead coming closer to me.

I can't go to them. I'd be leading the walkers right to them.

I know what I have to do.

I shove the walker closest to me back and bend down, retrieving my bag from the other supplies. Looking up, I send Michonne, Rick, and Carl a longing glance to see that they're still not coming.

Still, I take off running in the opposite direction, leading the walkers away from the three and deeper into the woods.

I crash through several low-hanging branches as I go, my bag swinging over my shoulder, the walkers behind me moving in a faster pace than usual. I jump over tree roots sticking out of the ground and dart ahead, trying to lose them.

Once one of them gets close, I snatch a rock from the forest floor and drive it into the walker's head. It collapses to the floor in a heap of blood, leaving the other two to come after me.

Tears sting at my eyes for the first time in forever as I think about the three coming back to find that I'm gone.

But it has to be done. I can't endanger them.

I turn on my heel and continue on away from the other two walkers, not looking back.

Okay, so

A) I'm sorry for how long it took me to update, I was sooo busy! And that's not that good of an excuse so i apologize again!

B) Also this chapter's kind of short, I know that, but I needed to get a point across that Kayleigh left the group!

C) I think I will be updating a little bit before October gets here, but if I dont, then I will be updating right after the first Season 5 Episode airs, okay? I promise!

Hope you enjoy the story so far (:


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