- seven

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It took a few tries, and a lot of accounts, but Jung Hoseok eventually got past the boundary of Taehyung's social medias. He'd made his account private - that asshole - trying to protect his pictures from Hoseok.

He'd made, this was his third account, to follow Taehyung. He had to post a bunch of pictures about random things, and make sure it looked used. He was a professional at online stalking. He's surprised his phone hasn't stopped allowing him to make accounts yet. Within the small amount of time, he was surfing through pictures.

His eyes were wide and his mouth hung open as he scrolled on his phone. Each and every selfie, landscape picture, they all seemed perfect. All of them were obviously taken by him, as some of the pictures were blurry, but it seemed like it was even better that way.

Double tapping some of his favorite photos, he locked his phone and headed for the shower, ignoring the few messages he got from Taehyung asking if the new likes on his photos were him.

A hot shower and quick change of clothes, and Hoseok was on his way towards his destination. The café. He was determined to find Taehyung, and if he had to sit there almost all day, he would. He knew everyone there, almost. The usual cashiers knew him and his order by heart at this point.

Walking down the street a little bit, regretting not bringing lighter clothing, due to the mid to late summer weather, he arrived at the café. Walking inside he was greeted with the usual greeting.

"Mr. Jung! Welcome! You want the usual today?" A perky lady behind the counter by the name of Sana smiled at him. Hoseok just shook his head.

He looked over the menu he's seen forever, for a second time. "Actually, today I'll just have a hot chocolate and a muffin." Sana nodded her head, making her ponytail bob a little bit. She pressed a few buttons and Hoseok paid for his order.

She then looked distressed. "Um, it might be a little while. We just got a newbie, and he's not the best with the oven, but I'll make sure it's not too long of a wait."

Hoseok nodded, not thinking much of anything. Instead he took his usual seat at a small table near the door, over looking the parking lot and the entrance to the small café. His phone was in his hands, when a loud crash was heard from behind the counter.

The brunette immediately sprung up, or jumped slightly in his chair more like, at the loud noise. Looking over to the door to the kitchen, it was smoking, a cloud of smoke came from the doorway, and all Hoseok could think was.

Wow, Sana wasn't kidding when she said couldn't work an oven, Standing up and walking over to the doorway. He was the only one in the place right now, well customer wise. Whether that be fortunately or unfortunately. Looking through the smoke, he could see two people, well the lower halves of two people.

Walking behind the counter, with a slightly worried face, he entered the cloud of smoke. Although, seconds later, he was being abruptly ran into. Tripping backwards, and landing on his butt, another body came crashing down onto him.

With his eyes closed, he rubbed his temples, probably having such an abrupt landing wasn't good for someone who had natural headaches.

Although before he could open his eyes to see who had landed atop of him, a low voice came through before it.

"Well, this is one hell of a way to meet."

Immediately, his eyes opened, revealing a very dirtied, yet still perfect face. A very familiar one. One that he knew as Kim Taehyung. With wide eyes, he stared up at the boy who was currently place above him, staring back at him.

Hoseok blinked a few times, before swallowing thickly, shaking his head slightly. "T-Tae." He spoke breathily. He definitely wasn't expecting this kind of unexpected meeting. Maybe his brain wasn't as ready to meet him as much as he thought.

The brown haired boy perched above him smirked, a killer smirk. One that made Hoseok's cheeks turn a bright crimson coloring. "What? Cat got your tongue?" He winked, before climbing off the boy, and looking back to the other person, presumably Sana. "The only guy out here is fine, I told you not to put my in charge of baking."

He stood up, leaving Hoseok to stay in his shocked state on the floor. After another minute or so of sitting there, he stood up himself, and by now the smoke that was once clouded above him was thinned out, and he could finally see.

Coming to the café was definitely more eventful so far, than he thought it would be.

Well, mission accomplished. He'd found Taehyung at least.



I actually hate how this is written, but I need to work on other things ;(

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