- twenty one

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q: when you gonna kiss hoseok boo?

Well, I already have...but there will be more stuff don't worry. ;)

q: when u gonna fuky fuky w the jhorse

I'll give you a hint. The party was a fun night.

q: what took you so long to open up to hoseok?

I don't think it took me long...but I guess I just don't have amazing experiences with trust or something.

q: what are a few things you like about hoseok?

There's a lot, but the main thing is his smile and the way he always makes me laugh, even if I say his jokes aren't funny. Ooh, and the way he is clingy, but hates saying he's clingy. And...well, I could go on forever.

q: when's the holy night coming?

The sex tape is coming soon don't worry ;)


q: okay but when are you actually gonna stop with dem horrible jokes

They are NOT horrible. I spend time thinking of them...and Tae laughs usually...sometimes...occasionally.

q: what drew you to taehyung?

There's a lot of things that drew me to him, but I think we're actually pretty compatible. We balance each other out..

q: what are some things you like about Taehyung

Again there's a lot. A main thing though is that stupid smile he does when it looks like a rectangle. The way he kisses too, but that's for me only.

q: how you gotta be so perfect

I'm not perfect, Tae calls me an angel, but I'm honestly just a small tater tot.


q: do I love you or do I love you

Um, I think you love me. Everyone does..just don't let Yoongi hear. He get's weird with things like that.

q: any crushes?

Well, I mean I'm dating my crush...does that count?

q: when chu getting laid boi

The days that end in 'y'. ;)


q: why are u so perfect

If you think I'm perfect you should see my boyfriend.

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