My Love, Caught out

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I looked over to the source of the voice. There stood Ciel in all his miniature emo glory.
I immediately dropped the Fairy cake I took a bite of and put it back where the rest were.

"You.. You saw Nothing!" I glared daggers at him.
"There is absolutely no evidence! I'm innocent until proven guilty." I quoted some random Cop show.

He Chuckled, "Surely me being a witness is more than enough evidence." He said walking closer to me, "Isn't that right (Y/N)?"

The sound of him saying my name sent shivers down my spine. I never noticed that Sebastian was standing close behind him, a smirk on his retarded face

I also glared at him, something didn't feel right. There is definitely something wrong with SEBASTARD and I will find out what it is.
Ciel cleared his throat," So.. how was that Chocolate fairy Cake?" He said, Trying to trick me.

And me being the idiot I am.. I fell for it.
"It was fine, not the best but a little more frosting wouldn't have hurt, although it did taste like it had been burned" all matter-of-factly.

Then I realised what I had said.
Ciel smirks at me, and Sebastian does the same.
I was tempted to knock the smile off Sebastians face but I didn't have the body strength to do so..

"I MEAN, Uh.. I don't know.. I haven't tried one yet" I desperately tried to save myself.

"I got you now! Two Witnesses! " he shouted in accomplishment, and referred to Sebastian and himself
I rolled my eyes, "Whatever.." and slowly turned to eat more of the delicious desserts that were in front of me.
Ciel walked over to the table and took a few marshmallows but that was about it.
He has such a sweet tooth it's hard to believe he's not pouncing on the table!

hope you all are ready for some more updates!

*****DISCONTINUED*****My Love (Ciel Phantomhive X Reader) Where stories live. Discover now