Chapter 6 - Into the Storm

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    Nic checked the time again, it was midnight and officially Sunday, he peered out from the front door of the church into a world of white, wind-whipped snow, driven sideways by the relentless wind.  "Dammit!"  He muttered under his breath.  It was easily ten degrees below freezing and the wind was howling through the bell tower. Even with the Core Environment Department's weather attenuation system running at full power, nature's fury would not be diminished. Nic wondered for a moment how bad it would be outside the walls of the Core.

"Sorry girl,"  Nic patted Katherine's thorax, which despite being metal, was quite warm to the touch, "this is not a pleasant night to be going out. The good news is, with your camouflage in this weather, you'll be damn near invisible."

Katherine chirped, unfolded her wings and stretched.

"You go on ahead and take a look around, let me know if we are clear to proceed. Then get up on the roof and stay hidden. The cold shouldn't bother your major systems, but if you notice any internal system stats varying too far from nominal, you let me know."

She clicked her mandibles and danced about apparently nervous with excitement.

"Okay, get going then- and be careful!" Katherine engaged her camouflage - a mottled blue, white and grey shifting pattern, as she stepped out into the storm.  Twenty meters from the door, she was no longer visible to Nic who closed the door behind her and shivered.

"I'm going to need a warmer coat."  He said to himself.

Back at Sean's place, Abi was pacing, Sean was checking and re-checking his climbing gear.  Sean wished his uncle was coming along, Sean had not done much climbing outside the gym and never in inclement, winter weather. His uncle was a seasoned veteran with many ascents in the real world under real conditions, his advice would be very welcome right now.

"This weather is not going to make for an easy ascent. You remember what I taught you at the gym?"  He asked Abi. They had gone to the climbing gym a few times so he could teach her the basic ins and outs of belaying, she was a fast learner, added to her athleticism, she proved a quick study. She mastered the basics and Sean was more than confident having her on belay.

"Yep," she answered. "Your life is in my hands."

"Right,"  He grinned, "just remember, straight down to brake."

"Got it."  She wringed her hands, Sean saw that she was nervous too.

"I know you're nervous about riding the pod alone, I won't be far behind and Trey will meet you at the KTI pod stop."

"I know, I can't help it, I've been dreading this for days."  Her stomach was all knots and butterflies.  "It's a long ride, someone else could get on the pod."

"We've been over this Abi, if anyone gets on, it will likely be only students heading back to the quad. But with this weather, I don't know if anyone is going to be out."  Sean reasoned, stuffing items into a backpack "If at anytime you feel threatened, get out of the pod and run - go to someplace public, like a bar and send me a message, I'll come get you."

"I'm sorry, I know I'm being silly."

"It's okay Abi."  Sean assured her, both their Netpods beeped and displayed a message:  Op Manor Cat go.

"Looks like Katherine gave the all clear." Sean said looking up from the Netpod.  Abi's hand was shaking a bit and she found her mouth was dry.  She pocketed the device and put on her gloves.

"Let's go."  She said, determined not to let her fears control her.

They headed out into the frigid night, the weather had not abated and the wind born sleet stung their faces.

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