Author's Notes

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Thank-you for reading Susan's Plague, I hope you enjoyed the journey as much as I did. This all began in 1994 in a small one bedroom apartment in London, Ontario. I drafted part of the story and a few characters and then it sat for almost two decades before I picked it up again and decided to make a real effort at telling this story that has run around inside my head all these years.

Please consider voting / commenting on the chapters if you have not already. Feedback is one of the highlights of making work publicly available on Wattpad. I also encourage you to share this story, if you enjoyed it and think others would as well (Facebook, Twitter, Wattpad public reading lists).

I assure you, this story is far from over. The sequel to Susan's Plague is currently in the outline stage and will pick-up where we left off. There is so much more to tell.

You can also connect with me on twitter, always happy to hear from readers.

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