Chapter 19 - Haven

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The long night passed without incident. Miller and Sean traded off minding the fire a couple times, but Sean bore the brunt of the watch. He decided to let Abi rest as much as possible considering she was still recovering from unknown injuries. He was on watch again as dawn approached, unable to keep his eyes open any longer, he nodded off, exhausted.

He awoke with a shiver, disoriented, fearful, wondering how long he had been asleep. It was freezing in the cabin, his own breath hung in the air before him. The fire had gone out and the sound of wind rushing through trees filled the cabin. He did not recall hearing that sound the during the night.

Snow swirled in through the gap in the door turning the cabin into an industrial age snowglobe. It was an unwelcomed shift in the weather and it altered any plans he had designed for the day. It was the worst possible time for a winter storm. No one would be leaving the runner. Trapped again.

Trey roused first to Sean's surprise, he was frightfully pale and his renown cocksure attitude was entirely absent.  He was just a shell now, a facsimile, the other Trey got left somewhere back in Meta. He shivered under the tarp and looked around through half-opened eyes. He looked smaller somehow, scared and vulnerable.

"Thirsty," was all he could manage to say. Sean provided him with the last of the water from the previous evening, which they had set aside. Trey got a couple swallows down before a fit of coughing took hold.

"I can't get more snow to boil, but as soon as the others wake up we'll get some. How are you feeling?" Trey just shook his head and sipped some more water. "You should also try to eat something."


"Try this, it was in Nine's pack. It's some kind of gel food supplement." Sean opened the small tube and lifted it to Trey's lips. With a bit of a struggle Trey emptied the tube and washed the sickly sweet goo down with the last of the water. "It's okay to get some more rest, I had a plan to get you some help, but looks like we are going to have to sit tight for a while. We get things warmed up soon." Trey nodded slowly, then slumped back and closed his eyes. Sean realized the situation would quickly become dire if they didn't get the fire going again.

Soon thereafter Miller awoke, then Abi. They both stretched beneath the tarp and rubbed their eyes.

"Why is it so cold?" Miller asked still half asleep.

"I don't think we can go out in this." Abi said as she peered outside. "It's a blizzard out there."

"Not for long at least." Sean replied. "You and Miller will have to grab more wood, a lot more. It's not going to be easy to keep it warm in here. As long as we can keep the fire up, we can melt snow for water. There's not a lot of food so we'll have to ration that as best we can."

"What about Trey?" Miller asked with a grim look.

"I know. Just keep him warm, and comfortable. We'll try to get him to drink when he's awake. But there is no way anyone can go for help until this weather breaks. One thing at a time though, we need wood. Do not stay out there long and do not lose sight of the runner, or stay near the tracks so you can follow them back. And stick together."

Miller and Abi both nodded in agreement. Neither relished the idea of spending any time outside in the current conditions. Miller slid the door open and jumped out, Abi followed close behind.

"We'll have to find a way to close up the gap in the door." He said. "Too much draft. I will see what we can do when I get back."

"Maybe we can wedge pine boughs in it." Sean offered.


Miller and Abi trudged off through the blinding storm. Sean watched them disappear into the white fury of the Interim. Then he watched as the wind and snow obliterated their footprints, leaving no trace they were ever there. A sense of desolation crept into the runner like a bank of fog, an impenetrable and all-encompassing doom.

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