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Niall and Louis had stayed in touch the longest.  Admittedly, they were the closest of the lads and the only ones who made a point to see each other. Undoubtedly, they had always had a special bond the others just didn't have.
But after time, even they grew apart.

One Direction had been over for nearly ten years now, and they really only spoke on birthdays or holidays, including the anniversary of the band getting together. Louis would venture to say he hadn't heard word one from Harry in around 6 years, and from Liam around 4. Niall would occasionally like a picture on Instagram or favourite a tweet, but as correspondence went, the most he got was a "happy birthday, miss you forever."

He missed the lads, he did. The band, the "glory days," the time in the sun. He didn't want to be featured on "where are they now" specials; he didn't think he ever would see his face on that programme. When he'd catch wind of one being on, he couldn't help but watch and listen to the false facts spewed out of the television. He was living in Sacramento, California, happy to be out of LA and all the lights. New York was nice for awhile, but after Niall moved away he saw no reason to be there. Plus, in Sac, he was a six hour drive from his boy.

Freddie was older now, able to spend more time away from his dad. He understood things a little better now, being just about ten. Briana had gotten married and had another child that Louis liked just fine. He made a great brother to Fred, and his stepdad was quite nice too. He treated Freddie as his own, but never stepped on Louis toes.

Louis was sat in a hotel lounge, sipping on something or other, it wasn't important to him. He felt lonely, watching his former bandmate on the telly side by side with Leonardo DiCaprio speaking of changes for this planet. He was proud of Harry. He was really making a difference, just as he always wanted to. He noticed the ring on his finger, and was suddenly sad he had declined the wedding invitation. He knew it must've hurt Harry, but Louis couldn't bring himself to go- he didn't even know why.

He wasn't drunk, not yet. He heard the lounge door open but he kept his eyes on the screen, hanging on to his old friends every word as if it would be the last time he heard him speak, because it might be. He felt the seat next to him dip, and before he could be bothered to look over, he heard a voice like no other. "Bit of a hero these days innhe?" the man said. Louis closed his eyes and put his head down. He had to be dreaming, or just drunk.
"A hero indeed," Louis said back before mustering the courage to look up at the patron beside him.
"God almighty," he said, and Niall's face grew into a magnificent smile, one Louis missed seeing so much.

In no time, Louis had stood up from the seat, pulling Niall up with him. He hugged him with all his might, while Niall laughed sweetly in his ear.
"Let me get a proper look at you," Niall said before pulling back.
"Wow," was all he said as he looked Louis up and down. He couldn't believe that he'd finally reached an acceptable height. He had put a bit of weight on, but still skinny by his standards, just healthier. He adorned a goatee around his mouth, and he wore rectangle framed glasses around his glassy blue eyes. "How long has it been..."

"A long time," Louis responded. He got a chance to take 30 year old Niall in, too. His hair was all brown, not the bottle blonde he remembered. He had a hefty bit of beard going on, and he'd definitely slimmed out. His biceps were huge, and he had a tattoo on his arm. "What's all this about then?" Louis questioned pointing to the small music notes and number 10 on his arm. "For 2010, when it all began, thought it was time to man up and get one." He lifted up his pant leg to reveal a small screw on his ankle, "thought i'd get this too."
"And without even telling me or letting me hold your hand, you lunatic." Louis laughed and sat back down, Niall following suit.
"What on earth are you doing here, Niall?" Louis said shaking his head.
"I can't believe you're here," he said, Louis scoffing.
"I come here often..I live down the way, certainly that's why you came here.." he said with hopeful eyes.
"I was..well I didn't know you'd be here, but I certainly hoped you would be." Niall smiled and looked back up into Louis eyes. Eyes he used to see everyday and never fully appreciated until all he had was pictures to remember them.
"Why haven't you called, Lou?" he said, taking a sip of Louis drink. He didn't mind, Niall was family after all.
"Didn't think you'd want to talk. What with Mellie and the baby."
Niall scoffed and waved his hand, "I don't want to talk about that snake. But someday I'll be ready to, and you won't believe what she did to me."
"I noticed your wedding ring was gone.." Louis said in a half whisper.
"I noticed yours was too." Niall retorted.
"Can't lose what you never had, Ni."
He didn't know what to say after that, so he just took another sip of Louis drink and began to watch DiCaprio talk endlessly about the planet, Harry nodding along with a concerned look.

Niall pointed to the tv, glass still in hand, "can you believe how he turned out? Never thought he'd be alongside Leo saving the world."
"I always knew he was destined for it," Louis said.
"He missed you at the wedding," Niall said quietly looking down again.
"I don't wanna discuss that, Niall." Louis mumbled, and he dropped it.

They sat in silence for awhile, too long to be comfortable, so Louis stood up and said he was going home.
"I've only just found you, don't go yet. I miss my mate. We have years to catch up on." He said, timidly, looking at his hands.
Louis ran his tongue across his teeth and pulled Niall up by the arm, "You can come over if you'd like. See the house, you'd be the first." Niall smiled and followed Louis out the door, who called a taxi passing by.

eight years later; nouisWhere stories live. Discover now