chapter six

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natasha loosened her grip on her mug that was filled with coffee. she slowly brought it down to the table. once the bottom of the mug and the top of the table met, natasha took a deep breath while giving a sweet smile at the fact that there was a beautiful beaming of sun through her window. natasha found pure happiness with simple things like the frigid air against her cheek during winter or the sound of children on a playground or the smell of the grass in a park or the feeling when elise tangles her fingers through natasha's hair. 

"shit" natasha got up frantically and started pacing from her kitchen to her living room couch, "shit shit shit shit elise. damn it elise. how do i ask her? elise. sweet amazing elise. she's so cute and ama-fuck okay i need to figure out what to do. why am i talking to myself." 

natasha finally calmed down after she sat down. she took hold of a pen and a piece of paper to write ideas down. she started listing and imagining how they would play out in her head.

1. bring her roses. ask her. simple.

*i walk up to her door with red roses behind my back. i slowly and nervously knock on the door. about 3 deep breaths later elise opens the door. "hi! what are you doing nat?" i reveal the roses to her and i look up to see a happy expression, but instead i see a terrified one. "what, what's wrong?" too flustered to speak, elise points down to the flower. i look down and there are at least 10 bees. elise is allergic to bees. great. she screams and i chuck those roses as far as i could. i look back at up her and chuckle nervously. "hah okay i'll be going now"* 

yeah no won't do that. that is not happening. how about this? 

2) get a cake that says 'be mine?' on it and present it to her. cute and easy. 

*the best bakery in town is just a few blocks away from me so of course i go there. i ask them to custom make me a cake that says 'be mine' on it. cute right?! i'll pretend we're just going to eat cake for fun, but then i'll present her with that! we both walk into the bakery once again and we are laughing and everything is great. i tell her i have to go pay for the bill, but instead come back with another cake. she looks surprised and happy! success! "open it!" elise opens the box that holds the cake and her happy expression falls from her face, "what is this? be wine? what does that mean? you want me to be wine? im confused" damn it. the bakery misheard me. great.* 

and no definitely not doing that. 

natasha frowns as she realizes the rest of her list follows the same pattern as the others, they don't work. natasha just wants it to be perfect. something elise will always remember. 

natasha continues to brainstorm ideas of what she could do until the day slipped away. no matter what she invisioned, they would always fail in some way. the thing is, everything natasha wrote down would be insanely perfect, but natasha just can't see that. natasha just wants every little thing to go well because she always wants the very best for elise. she wants nothing less than perfect for her girl.

"my girl. i hope." 

natasha was so focused on planning for elise that she hadn't bothered to touch her phone all day. her phone appeared with 36 new notifications. all were from elise. 

"hi" "i miss you" "where are you" "wanna hang out" "i miss you" "i said that already but i miss you" and so on. 

natasha smiled until her cheeks hurt. she texted elise back, "hi i miss you too" elise replied a minute later. the two talked for hours and hours. 

natasha finally saw the time and noticed it was 1:34 am, "omg hey i didn't realize the time. talk to you tomorrow?" "of course, night" 

natasha turned her phone off and set it on the table next to her. she layed in her bed and stared at her ceiling with a small smile on her face. she started to realize that no matter how she asked, it would be perfect to elise and that she really was going to be her girl. natasha turned her phone on once again to text elise. 

"hey. wanna hang out tomorrow" 


"okay i'll pick you up at 7."

"where you taking me?"

"night elise"


"it's a surprise" 


"night night sweet girl"

"nighty night my dork" 


woah guys thank you so much for over 400 reads!!! that means a lot that people are actually reading my stories. im hoping you are all liking it. if you do like what i've done so far, i will most likely continue to make more negovanman fics :) anyways...thank you to everyone out there! much love to you all xx

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