Chapter 1

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~June 26, 2012~

I woke up with my blonde curls slicked to my forehead with sweat. 'Great,' I thought. I reached over to my left for my phone to check the time.

8:49 a.m.

Why the actual hell am I awake. Ugh. I climbed down the ladder that connects my loft bed to the main area of my room. I walked down the stairs to the thermostat. According to the screen, it was 73 degrees in this house. I turn the temperature to 65 degrees and walked back upstairs.
I went to my bathroom to take a quick shower. When I got out, I got dressed into some some cutoff jeans and sea foam green flowy crop top. I walked back into my bathroom and started to blow dry my long, curly, blonde hair. I dusted a light layer of powder on my face to take away it's shine. As I was walking to my closet for my flip flops, I heard a light knock on my bedroom door.
"Come in," I said as I grabbed my favorite sandals, a pair of sea foam Nordstrom reef harmony flip flops. My uncle opened the door and stepped inside.
"Where ya goin CC?" My uncle sat on the end of my bed next to me.
"I feel like today would be a good day to go to the beach. Don't you have to work today?" I looked at him and raised an eye brow. My uncle, Jeremy, or JC as everyone calls him, is a police officer.
"Nope, not today. I thought I'd see if you wanted to hang out, but seeing you already have plans, I'll see if Carol wants to come over."
"Sorry. I'll be home for dinner." I smiled at him, trying to make him feel better.
"You don't have to suck up. I haven't hung out with her in a few days. I'm sure she misses me." He smiled at me as he stood.
"Yeah, probably. Well, I'm gunna go. See ya later, JC! More!" I grabbed my keys off my night stand, stuffed $50 and my phone into my pocket. I put a rose gold geo stacking ring set on my left ring finger and slipped a gold feather charm necklace around my neck. Next, I put on a mint green feather Domo bracelet onto my right wrist. I walked down stairs and went through the front door. I got into my jeep and buckled my seatbelt.
I drove around for a few minutes thinking about whether or not I should call Stephanie. I decided I wanted to be alone for a while. I'll call her later. There was one thing I didn't have to think about, though. I was starving. I hadn't eaten since about 6 o'clock the night before. My favorite restaurant didn't open until 10: 30 and it was only 10.
I parked in the restaurant's parking lot. Since I had some time to spare, I went to the beach that was just past the deck. With every step I took, more sand got between my feet and my sandals. I didn't care. I'm used to it. I looked around. There were already a few people sitting in their chairs or walking around. As I reached the water's edge, something shiny caught my eye. I bent down. Barely poking out of the sand was a light pearly pink shell. It wasn't like any of the others around her. They were black, dark brown, or white. They didn't have this one's shape either. This pretty shell was shaped like a heart. It was about as big as the palm of my hand.
"How on earth did I see this?" I whispered to myself. I continued to walk and look for more shells.
I had two other shells in my hand besides the pink one. It was about 10 minutes before I could go inside and eat. Time wasn't passing as fast as I hoped. I stood in the water with my shoes in one hand. I was looking at the pink, heart shaped shell again. I've always heard if you find a rock or something in nature shaped like a heart, you're supposed to have good luck in your love life. Yeah, if I had one that is. I took another step without looking up. I bumped into someone.
"Sorry." I continued to look at the shell.
"It's ok. I wasn't looking." A deep, southern accent made me look up. That's when my eyes locked onto a pair of bright baby blues.

• • •

Not much changed in this chapter, just the beginning.  Remember, this story will change a lot as the chapters progress.

Set name- CE-C1

I'd like to talk about Charlie's room for a moment. First, I love it. It's what the picture above is. Second, I'd like to make some adjustments to what it looks like. The nook underneath and the loft both have pallet board walls. The Christmas lights are on the ceiling in the loft and there is a cute tiny chandelier in the nook. There is also a flatscreen tv and a few shelves on the wall by the foot of the bed. The colors of her room are coral, navy, and grey/silver.
Anywho, please follow my accounts!
Twitter: @ kayloni_
Snapchat: @ kayloni.22
Polyvore: bct8   (this is where you'll find all the outfit set names)
Pinterest: Kayloni_   (I have a board for this story)

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