Chapter 8

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Charlie's P.O.V.
-later that night- 

Scotty and I went back to my house. JC said he was going to a friends and would be home later. He told us to 'behave'. We were sitting on the couch watching tv when Scotty started to talk. 

"Can I ask you something?" 

"Anything." I smiled at him. 

He looked at me nervously. "Um, I've been wondering, why do you live with JC? You don't have to answer." 

I knew the question would come up eventually. I took a deep breath. "You want to know why I live with him and not my parents?" He nodded. "My parents aren't here anymore. They died in the 9/11 attack. My dad and JC were twins and they were really close. He already lived in Wrightsville and didn't want me to be moved around, so he took me in. I've lived here since then." 

"I-I didn't know. I'm so sorry." 

I nodded. "It's ok. I knew you would ask eventually. Anything else?" I smiled at him. 

"What were they like?" He sat closer to me. 

"My dad's name was Anderson. He was a musician. Well, trying to be. He was funny, caring, and the best dad any little girl could ask for. My mom, Mandy, was a school teacher. She was so pretty. I always thought she was a model. She was the sweetest woman. Hang on." I got up and went to my room. I grabbed the picture on my dresser. It was taken four days before they left for New York. 

"This is them?" He looked at the picture, focusing on the details. I nodded. "You look just like your mom. And you're right, she was beautiful." He looked up at me and smiled. 

"You're too amazing, Scotty." I smiled back and leaned in to kiss him. My phone buzzed on my lap. I looked at it. I had a text from Ricky. 

"I gotta know... Do you love him? Scotty, that is." 

I starred at my phone. I had know idea where that came from. I was shocked. I replied. 

"You're probably gunna think I'm crazy, but yeah. I'm crazy about him. Why?" 

I looked at Scotty. He had his eyes closed. My phone buzzed again. 

"I just wanted to know. I talked to Steph and she said you were. It was nice seeing you today. You looked great." 

I had no idea what was happening. Why was he saying all this? I sent a message back. 

"Um thanks. You did too. And yeah it's been a while." 

Talking to him was awkward. I wasn't sure how I felt about it other than that. I looked at Scotty again. He looked do sweet. I wasn't sure if he was asleep or not. 

"I love you, Scotty Cooke McCreery." I smiled and kissed his cheek. 

His arms wrapped around me. "I love you, Charlie Mandy Cooper." He smiled at me. "Who ya talkin' to?" 

"Oh, um, Ricky texted me." I looked away. 

"What? Did I say something?" 

"I feel bad for talking to him." I looked at him. 

"It's ok. I'm not mad. I know you have friends." He smiled. "He was being kinda creepy earlier though. He kept lookin' at you." 

"Yeah, I don't know why he did that." 

"Were y'all ever, ya know?" 

Before he could finish, I spoke. "Together? Yeah." I looked down. 

"How long ago?" 

"We broke up in May. Actually, I do know why he kept looking. Today we would've been together for five years." I slowly looked up at him. 

"Oh, why did you break up?" I looked like he actually wanted to know and wasn't just making conversation. 

"We just drifted apart. We weren't as close as we had been. We would go several days without seeing each other and somedays we didn't even talk to each other. It's like we were just friends. So, we decided it would be best if we broke up." 

"Did you ever," he trailed off. 

I instantly knew what he meant. "No. We never did that. People just assumed we did. It wasn't because we didn't love each other, because we did. He asked a few times, but I always said no. I just didn't feel like we needed to sleep together. He was perfectly ok with it, too." 

"Hmm." That was all he said. 

"I'm over everything, now. I love you and only you." I smiled at him. He looked at me and smiled back. 

He leaned in to kiss me. Doing so, he pulled me on him. He was half laying half sitting up. His back was leaning against the arm of the couch. I was sitting in his lap facing him. He ran his hands through my hair. Then, his hands went to my waist. As moments passed, it got more intense. For the first time since we'd known each other, our tongues met. Several minutes passed. I finally pulled away. Scotty was breathing a little harder than normal. 

"Whoa." He looked at me. 

I rolled my eyes. "I'm gunna shower." I got up and took a shower. After I got dressed I walked into my room. Scotty was laying on my bed sound asleep. I got in the bed and curled up next to him. I fell asleep with a smile on my face. For the first time in a while, I was happy.

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