Chapter 4

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Scotty's P.O.V.

     As she sat there in the passenger seat, I couldn't help but think about how great she looks tonight. I won't lie, the jeans she has on look awesome on her. I could tell she had on more make-up than earlier, but not much. Just enough to make her eyes stand out more than they already do. She was looking out the window and looked lost in thought.
     "Whatcha thinkin' about?" I glanced at her as she was looking over at me.
     "Just wondering where we're going, that's all."
     "I drove around today just to find out where I could take you. I asked a bunch of people, too." I smiled at her.
     "Hmm. Well, this should be interesting." She looked back at out the window.
     The trip was quiet. Neither of us spoke and I kept the radio off thinking she would speak. I pulled into a deserted beach parking lot.
     "Ok, this is killing me. Are you ok?" I looked at her. Her face was lit up from the moon light shining through the windshield. Her green eyes sparkled. Man, she's beautiful.
     "I'm fine. Why?" She looked at me. Her eyes said the exactly the opposite of what her mouth spoke.
     "You don't look ok." I was honestly worried about her. I hadn't even known her for a full day and all I wanted was for her to be happy, for her to smile.
     "It's nothing. So, why are we here?"
     "This is what I came up with." I got out of the truck and walked over to her side and opened her door.
     "You're sweet." She smiled as she took my hand and climbed down. I opened the back seat door and grabbed the duffel bag that sat in the seat. I then realized Charlie was still holding my hand. I looked down at our hands and moved mine slightly so our fingers would intertwine. I looked back up at her and smiled. A smile spread across her face. I lead her across the sand, and stopped about three feet from the water's edge. I sat the duffel bag on the ground, bent down, and opened it. I pulled out a blanket. Sadly, I let go of her hand so I could spread the blanket out over the sand.
     "Here, take your shoes off." I let her use me as a support as she slipped her boots off. She sat on the blanket with her legs stretched out in front of her, leaning back on her arms. I dusted off the bottom of the duffel bag and set it on the end of the blanket. I took my boots off and sat them next to hers. I sat down next to her, mimicking her position.
     She starred up at the moon, then turned to look at me. "It's so pretty out here." She smiled as she looked up again.
     I hesitated, then spoke softly, "Not as pretty as you." I looked at her smiling only to see she was already looking at me with red stained cheeks.
     "You're such a flirt." She laughed.
     "Honestly, I'm not usually like this. I think it's you." I nudged her shoulder with mine.
     She giggled. "So, what else do you have in that mysterious bag?" She pointed to the duffel.
     "Well do you like chocolate?" I crawled over to the bag and unzipped it.
     "Eh, kinda, not really. It just depends on what it is."
     "Close your eyes." I pulled out a medium sized box. I walked back over to her on my knees. She shifted positions and was now sitting with her legs crossed in front of her. I pulled out one of the objects from the box and held it close to her mouth. "Now, open." The object went in and she bit down.
     Smiling, she opened her eyes. "Mmm. Chocolate covered strawberries. I love these." She took the rest of the strawberry and popped it into her mouth.
     "Well, it isn't just strawberries." I showed her the inside of the box. It was filled with different chocolate covered things. She reached in and grabbed a pretzel.
     "I like your surprises." She smiled at me, then ate the pretzel.
     "Am I making a good impression now?"
     She laughed. "We'll see. What else ya got in here?" She crawled over to the bag and laid in front of it on her stomach. "Really?" She took out the half gallon of sweet tea, shaking her head laughing.
     What, you don't like it?" I pulled the two plastic cups out.
     "No." She opened the gallon and began pouring. "I love it." She smiled at me widely.
     "You just keep getting more amazing."
     "I know. I have that effect on people." She put the jug back in the bag and turned to me. She had a cocky grin plastered on her face. She took one of the cups.
     "Wow." I shook my head. "So, you said you just graduated. Are you going to college in the fall?"
     She looked up at me. "Yes I am. Are you?"
     "Yep, I'm gunna major in communications. What about you?"
     "Cosmetology. It sucks that I can't go to NC State. I really wanted to, but I really wanted to go for this. Oh, well!" She smiled slightly.
     "Hmm, I didn't expect that. Where are you going?"
     "A school in Wilmington."
     I didn't know what to say so I didn't speak. It was quiet for a couple minutes.
     "So, obviously you aren't from around here. How long are you down here?" She took a sip of her tea, then set it between her legs.
     "Two weeks. Today was my first day."
     "Did you come by yourself? Surely not." She starred out across the water.
     "Nah, I have a couple of friends here with me." I looked at her. Her face was illuminated by the moon. "But don't worry, they know I'm with you."
     She smiled. "Good. I wouldn't want them to think you got killed or something." She laughed. She stood up, took her socks off, and rolled her pant leg up a little. She then proceeded to walk into the water. She starred up at the moon. I did the same thing and stood next to her.
     "What?" She looked at me confused. Then, I realized I had been looking at her with a smile on my face.
     "Nothing." I looked back out across the water. Slowly, I put my arm around her waist. She looked at me and smiled. We stood there in silence for a long while.
     "You know, this is probably one of the best dates I've been on in a while." She smiled at me.
     "Really?" I looked at her and couldn't help but smile back.
     "Yeah. Maybe it's because the last date I was on was years ago."
     "That can't be." I shook my head.
     "It's true. Maybe I'll tell you the story one day." She smiled, but I could tell it was fake.
     She leaned her head on my shoulder. I instantly wrapped my arms around her, hugging her tightly. She buried her head into my neck. I squeezed tighter and started to rub my hand across her back. She pulled away slightly and starred into my eyes. I smiled at her. As I leaned my face towards hers, I closed my eyes. I could feel her lean into me. A moment later our lips met for the first time.

Charlie's P.O.V.

I felt a tingle run down my back and spread through my body as my lips were pressed against Scotty's. He pulled away and looked into my eyes. A smile appeared on his face.
     "Dagum." He whispered into my ear. I smiled at him. I had no idea what was happening. One second I was looking at the ocean and the next I was pressing my body against his with my arms wrapped around him tightly. The next thing I knew, I found myself kissing him. It wasn't like any other kiss, though. Despite not knowing each other long, it was gentle and passionate. I leaned in again trying to get the tingling sensation back. I moved my arms around his neck. He put one hand on my face and put the other on my hip. He pressed his lips into mine once more. The hand on my hip squeezed my body, the other staying in its place. I pulled away. He put his forehead against mine and looked at me.
     "Wow." He smiled at me again.
     "Once again, I've left you speechless." I laughed lightly.
     He stroked my cheekbone with his thumb. "That's just how beautiful you are."
    My face instantly turned red. I looked down. He chuckled and kissed the top of my head. I leaned my head against his chest and closed my eyes.
     "Tired?" He leaned his head against mine.
     "A little." I let go of him and sat back down on the blanket.
     "Hungry?" He stood at the edge of the blanket, sliding his boots on.
     "Yes." My eyes widened as I nodded my head.
     "Well, let's go get something to eat." He handed me the little box of chocolate covered things. I put my boots back on as he shook the blanket out and out it back in the bag. He zipped it, threw it over his shoulder, and grabbed my hand. Our fingers intertwined. I smiled at him as we walked back to the truck. He opened my door for me and I got in. He walked around to the drivers side and crawled into the seat, putting the bag in the seat behind him.
     As he drove down the road, he asked me, "So, where should we eat?"
     "Hmm, I'm in the mood for Subway." I smiled at him.
     He laughed and shook his head. "Ok, just tell me where to turn."
     I lead him through the streets of Wrightsville to Subway. We went inside and got our food. We sat down as far way from the counter as we could. While we ate, we talked about everything. Well, almost. I didn't talk about somethings. I wasn't quite ready to talk about the some parts of my life. I learned that he planned on going to college in Raleigh in the fall. I got mad at this, but got happier when he bought me a cookie. I know it sounds crazy, but I feel like I've known him almost my whole life. I felt as if I could tell him anything. I don't know what it is, but something draws me to him. It makes me want to know more.
     "I'm so sleepy. What time is it?" I leaned my head on the window as we were driving down the road.
     "Almost two."
     I looked at him with eyes wide. "In the morning?! Oh, my gosh!"
     "Something wrong?" He glanced over to me.
     "It's way past my bed time."
     Scotty burst out laughing. "Your kidding, right? Wow."
     "Not funny." I pouted at him.
     "You're cute when you pout." He smiled at me.
     I stuck my tongue out at him and laughed. "Hmph."
     He laughed at me. "It's a good thing we're here, huh?"
     I looked up and saw my house. "But I don't want you to go." I gave him a sad look.
     "I don't either, but I gotta. I'll walk you to your door. Is that ok?"
     I smiled at him and nodded. He got out and opened my door.
     "Don't forget your box." He smiled as he walked me to the front door. I set the box on the chair next to me. I wrapped my arms around him and pressed my face into his chest. I inhaled deeply, taking in his scent. I looked back up at him. He was smiling. He leaned in and put his lips against mine. We stood in the porch light kissing for a couple minutes longer. Finally, he pulled away.
     "I'm gunna go so you can get some sleep."
     I frowned. "Ok."
     He kissed me softly. "I'll talk to you later, ok?"
     "You better!" I laughed as I grabbed my box.
     Scotty took a step back. "See you." He smiled.
     "Just so you know, you made a good impression."
     "Does that mean I get a second date?" He smiled as he questioned me.
     "Maybe." I winked.
     He put his hand on my cheek and kissed me softly. "Goodbye, Charlotte." He smiled as he spoke.
     I blushed. "Goodbye, Scott." I smiled as I watched him walk away. I opened the door. I walked into the kitchen and put the box in the refrigerator. I walked to my bedroom, changed clothes, and climbed into my bed. As soon as my head hit the pillow, I was sound asleep.

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