Chapter 3

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Charlie's P.O.V.

     Ten minutes after leaving The Wake, I pulled into Stephanie's driveway. It was long and twisting. I couldn't tell you how many times we had rode our bikes up and down it, or tried to race Cole. Cole was Stephanie's older brother who was currently serving in the United States Marine Corp. He was two years older than us, and if I'm being honest, there was a short time I had a crush on him. That is no more.
     I parked in my usual spot behind Cole's Chevy Silverado. Making my way to the front door, I thought about the shell again. Soon, I found myself thinking about Scotty. Whoa, was he good looking. I walked through the front door and made my was to Stephanie's bedroom.
     After half an hour of trying to wake her up, Steph and I sat on her back patio staring at the beach where so many memories were made.
     "I might go on a date tonight." I looked over to see my best friend's reaction.
     She opened her mouth wide before speaking. "With who?!"
     "A guy from Garner. His name is Scotty."
     "Is he cute."
     "Stupidly." I nodded.
     She smiled. "You have to text me when you're done and tell me the details!"

-Later that day-

     I received a text from a number I didn't know.
     "Hey, this is Scotty. :) So I take it I will see you tonight? I sure hope so."
     I laughed and texted back.
     "Only if you really think it's necessary ;) if it were up to me it would be a definite yes"
     I sat my phone on the arm of the couch. I got up and walked to the kitchen and grabbed a glass and poured some milk. I went to the pantry and found the Oreos I had to hide from JC. I sat back on the couch. I picked up my phone and pressed home button. I saw I had a new text. My finger glided over it and I typed my password in.
     "If I'm not mistaken I think you like me :P"
     The message made me laugh. I ran my fingers over the keyboard quickly.
     "Maybe just a little... Hah so, do I have plans tonight or no???"
     I dipped at Oreo in the cold milk and left it there for a few seconds. My phone buzzed.
     "Well, little lady, I think you do, but you have to tell me your address or I can't come and get you"
     I texted back my address. I ate a few more Oreos then went to the kitchen to put everything away. I walked back to the living room and turned the tv on. I heard my phone vibrate as it lit up from a new text. I slid my thumb across it and unlocked it.
     "Thank you Charlie :) I can't wait to see you. Will 7:30 work?"
     I have to admit, the guy seemed pretty sweet. I actually was starting to like him. He wasn't bad looking, either. His blue eyes were incredible. I just wanted to stare at them all day. He wasn't tan like any of the guys here and I liked that. I'm tired of the same people. Maybe seeing him will make me happier than I have been. I replied to his message.
     "Sounds perfect :) I can't wait. I was wondering, how do you want me to put you in my contacts? I could put you as 'That Weird Guy From the Wake' hahaha!"
     I started laughing. I changed the channel from JC's cartoons to TLC. 'Untold Stories of the ER' was on so I left it. My phone buzzed.
     "Haha how about no? Hmm put me as 'Scott 'Scotty' McCreery'. yeah that sounds good, considering it's MY NAME! Haha"
     I laughed as I saved the contact into my phone. Then, I replied.
     "Well in that case, mine should be 'Charlotte 'Charlie' Cooper' because that's my name... :P"
     I sent the message. When I looked up at the tv, a man was freaking out because he lost all his fingers. I just shook my head. I turned my phone off silent and stretched a out accoss the couch. My phone made a little noise as I received a text.
     "Charlotte? Hmm I like it :) it's different, like you..."
     The text made me blush. Just then, JC and his girlfriend, Carol, walked through the front door. I had a goofy smile on my face and my cheeks were red when they saw me.
     "What's up with you?" JC looked at me and raised an eye brow.
     I blushed even more. "Oh, nothing."
     "Ok, then, who you talkin' to?" Carol spoke up for the first time. "Is it a boy?"
     "Yeah, tell us." JC winked. "Is Ricky flirting with you again?" He was smiling.
     Ricky was my ex boyfriend. We broke up in the beginning of May. Things just weren't the same between us anymore, and that's why we broke up. We'd dated since the summer before ninth grade. Everyone was shocked when we broke up. They thought we were perfect for each other. I guess not.
     "No. We're just friends. It's someone else." I looked at my phone and typed a reply message.
     "I'm not sure what to say to that..."
     "Why? I heard he's been talking about you." JC looked at me and smiled widely, thinking he will make me smile.
     "You can stop doing that." I glared at him.
     "Stop doing what?" He pretended to be confused.
     "Ricky and I are over, JC. We aren't getting back together. Neither of us were happy with the relationship. Just drop it." I turned back to the tv. JC and Carol walked into the kitchen. It's not that I was still upset about the break up, because I wasn't. I'm just tired of people talking about us getting back together. My phone made a noise reminding me I had a text.
     "Well dagum. C'mon now. Ya gotta say something"
     The text made me smile again.
     "How about this, I'll see you at see you at 7:30. I'm gunna rest a little. That sun wears a girl out"
     A moment later, my phone made a noise.
     "Ok haha I'll see you then, Charlie :) can't wait."
     It was 5:49 when I laid down. I set an alarm on my phone to wake me up at 6:45. I fell asleep as soon as I sat my phone down.
     I woke up with my alarm going crazy. I reached for my phone and turned it off. I sat up on the couch, grabbed the remote, and clicked the power button. The room went silent. I walked to the kitchen and poured some orange juice. For some reason I couldn't get enough of it. I poured another glass and walked to my room.
     "What am I going to wear?" I mumbled as I looked in my closet. I grabbed a pair of dark wash jeans and threw them on my bed. I took a gulp of my juice as I looked through my shirts. I grabbed my floral tiered cream dress and pulled it over my head. I brushed out my hair and put another thin layer of power on my face. I put on my jewelry: gold stack bangles, a gold heart locket with pictures of me with each of my parents, golden double hugger hoops, and a gold ring with diamonds and a pearl. I pulled on some socks and grabbed my Old Gringo San Saba boots. I quickly brushed on some mascara. I looked at my phone. The time had flown. It was already 7:23. I put my phone and money in my pocket. I have this weird thing about not leaving the house without money. I grabbed my ariat boots and walked in the living room. As I sat on the couch to put my boots on, JC walked in and sat on the other end of the couch.
     "Where are you going?" He looked at me.
     After slipping on my last boot, I turned to him. "I'm not really sure. I'm going to hang out with a friend."
     "Oh, well, be careful. I wouldn't want anything to happen to you." He looked over at Carol who was playing on her phone. She looked up at him and smiled.
     "What?" I thought they knew something I didn't know. They probably think it's Ricky. Figures...
Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. I was about to get up, but JC was already almost to it. He opened it. I blushed as I walked to the door.
     "Can I help you?" JC used his cop voice.
     "It's for me, not you. Now, go sit down." I stepped next to JC as he took a step back. "Hi," I said as I blushed at Scotty.
     He smiled. "Hello. You ready?"
     Before I could speak, JC spoke, "What? Aren't you going to introduce me to your friend." He put air quotes around the word 'friend'.
     "I'm Scotty, sir." Scotty looked at him as he stuck out his hand.
     JC shook his hand while staring into his eyes. Suddenly, he smiled. "Nice to meet you. I'm JC."
     "Quit scarrin' the poor boy. Come over here sand sit back down." Carol looked at JC and pointed to the couch. He looked at Scotty for a second longer, then turned to sit.
     "I'll be back later. Love y'all." I walked out the door. Scotty walked to the driver side of the truck and got in. I stood on the passenger side and waited. He rolled the window down.
     "What?" He looked at me confused.
     "You're making a terrible impression. I don't date guys that don't open my door on the first date," I said matter of factly.
     "Oh, in that case..." He began to put the truck in reverse. It rolled back about a foot, then stopped. He put it in park and got out. Once on the passenger side, he opened my door.
     "Thank you." I smiled at him as he shut the door.
     He got in on his side and shook his head at me, laughing.
     "You sure are trouble." He winked, then put the truck in reverse again. "It's a good thing I kinda like you." He smiled at me as he started off down the road.
     I laughed back. "Where are you taking me?"
     "Now it's your turn to trust me." He glanced at me and flashed a smile.

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