Prologue Pt.2

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The sharp sound fills my ears, in the middle of the night.

I cautiously wander out of my room, and down the stairs, remaining hidden by a wall.


So much blood.

It's smeared on the walls, the carpet, the furniture. Everything.

I gasp, feeling the tears start to form in my eyes.

I shakily follow the trail of blood.

It leads into the kitchen, where my parents lay there, dead.

More tears start to prick my eyes, and soon I find myself sobbing and shaking, not able to move.

Then I feel someone staring at me.


I turn around slowly, to be greeted with an evil smile.

Black hair, and black eyes. But what stands out most, is the black wings coming from his back.

"Pretty, aren't they?"


"Ah, you must be in shock. After all, I did just kill your family. You see, I got bored, and I decided to have some fun. But anyway, I can't let you tell anyone about this. So stay still."

I feel a hand over my eyes, and one on my neck.

I'm sure I'm going to die.

But I don't.

I find myself laying in my bed, just like I was five minutes ago.

I quickly run downstairs, to see that it's daytime.

No blood.

No family.

I panic, and run back to my room, grabbing my phone off of my bed.

I look through the contacts, before dialing the number that I apparently call most often.

"Hey Kookie, what's up?" The voice from the other line says.

"Um...this might sound weird but...who are you? And what happened to my parents?"

"Are you ok? I'm your best friend, Jimin. And your parents died three years ago, from murder."

"I...I'm not ok."

"Stay there, I'm coming over."


In ten minutes, I hear a knock at my bedroom door.

"You can come in." In a split second, Jimin walks in and sits next to me.

"Jungkook, what happened?" He says, looking at me with a worried expression witten on his face.

"There was so much blood...I-I saw them...they were laying there in the kitchen. And then there was a man...I don't remember what he looked like, but I know he was there. But then I was in my bed again. This all happened half an hour ago, I watched them die, half an hour ago." By now, I'm violently shaking, and Jimin immediately wraps me in his arms, while rubbing soothing patterns on my back.

"You must have had a really bad nightmare...On the night that your parents were murdered, they couldn't find the killer. And you lived with me up until last year, when you were ready to move back in."

"It was so real..." My voice cracks at the end, and I start crying. Jimin holds me tighter and we stay like that until I move away from his embrace.

"I'm going to find him...I'm going to find the killer. And I'm going to do the same thing to him, that he did to my parents."

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