Chapter 2

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I slipped on a pink t shirt and did up my overalls, I started yawning as the morning sun shone threw my bedroom window. I went downstairs and grabbed a packet of twinkies as I walked out the door my backpack on my shoulder.

I walked threw the parking lot which was almost deserted because of how early it was.

I then saw billy standing around his car.
"What are you doing here so early?" billy asked
"Randy and I are working on a group project for Psych and I was going to go meet up with Randy so we could put our stuff together and finish the introduction and conclusion. What are you doing here so early?" I said
"Me and stu are doing a project for one of our subjects" he said quickly "yeah good luck with getting stu to do anything smart" I joked before walking away because billy was creeping me out and there was no way I believed him.

I walked down the halls sometimes peering into classrooms everything was quiet and dark. I finally found Randy sitting at a table by himself in the cafeteria looking over some papers. "Morning Randy" I said sitting down and producing my papers. "Morning Sofia I brought hot chocolate" he said handing me one of the two takeaway cups "thanks Randy I brought twinkies" I said taking out the packet. He instantly reached for one "we know just what to bring for early morning homework sessions don't we" Randy said laughing "yeah I guess we do" I agreed laughing with him. Randy then wiped his hands on his pants before grabbing his papers, "well... what do you think?" Randy grinned, holding up his report for me to see. He had researched famous killers and compared the personalities as well as writing about the tell tale sighs that someone is a killer and some ideas of why they becomes killers in the first place. I smiled at how cheerful he was. I took it from him gently and read it over, "It looks really good, Randy," i smiled up at him. I then gave him my papers to read I had researched famous murder mysteries and tried to use evidence to pin the killers. He grinned at me and read what I had written "this is amazing" he said "it was nothing compared to yours" I said holding back a blush.

"Did you watch the news this morning?" Randy asked me as he took another Twinkie from the packet
"No, I came right here," i shook my head. My curls fell into my eyes and i moved them out of the way with one hand before biting into my own twinkie, "Why, what happened?". His expression grew serious "Casey and Steve were killed last night. Like completely mutilated. Her mom found her hanging from a tree in the front yard..."
"What?" my eyes widened "yeah she was gutted" Randy continued "Randy can we not talk about this while where eating" I said disgusted.

Half an hour and a lot of writing later out project was finished and we went out the front of the school to wait for our friends. my eyes were locked on the commotion of camera crews, reporters, cops and photographers all gathered around just off campus.

Amongst them was a woman I wished never to see again, Gale Weathers. She was a smart faced flashy smiled, reporter with a massive mane of chemically enhanced hair. She wrote a book about my mother and Sydney's mothers murders and how she thought the bastard who killed them and raped Sydney's mother cotton weary was innocent so to say the least I was not a fan of gale weathers.

"The small town of Woodsbro, North Carolina was devastated last night when two young teenagers were found brutally butchered," she was announcing in to her camera, "Authorities have yet to issue a statement but our sources tell us that no arrest has been made and the murderer could strike again..."

A dark frown fixed itself of my face as a voice commented to the right of us, "Do you believe this shit?" said a familiar voice it was Tatum and Sydney.

"What happened?" Sydney asked curiously.

"Oh god! You don't know?" she asked in shock, "Casey Becker and Steve Forrest were killed last night." Her eyes widened in shock as mine had when I had found out from Randy earlier.

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