Chapter 6

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"The horror geeks have arrived," Randy announced as I followed him trying to look as badass as possible carrying some of the movies as we walked into Stu's kitchen where the guys were making the junk food feast. There were other people, not in our main group, popping in and out of the kitchen, carrying things. "I thought everything was checked out?" Stu asked us curiously. "We hid them in the foreign section," I told him as Sidney took the pile from Randy's arms first and looked through them all.

"The Fog, Terror Train, Prom Night, Halloween..." she read, "Why're they all Jamie Lee Curtis movies?"
"She's the Scream Queen," He smirked doing prayer hands which made everyone look at him.
"With that set of lungs... she should be," Stu shrugged it off.
"Tits," Tatum commented rolling her eyes, Sydney then looked threw my movies magic, bram stokers Dracula, Audrey Rose, silence of the lambs..." she read "why're they all Anthony Hopkins movies?" Sydney asked me "he's the scream king" I answered copying Randy.
He  chuckled as his arms slipped around my waist before he pulled me into the living room to sort out what movie to watch first.
"Okay, okay, okay!" Randy called as people all yelled their votes. "How many for Haloween?" A few hands went up, "How many for Magic?" A few more went up this time, he did it for a few more movies as the doorbell rang.

"I got it!" Stu called, "Tatum get me beer."
"What am I? A beer wench?" she sneered as he moved to the door.
"Hey guess who's here?" Stu called from the doorway, "It's that chick from Inside Story!" My head snapped around as Dewey walked in with Gale Weathers making me glare intensely.

"Shit, Dewy!" Tatum snapped as most of the others got really exited at the sight of Gale.
"What're you doing here?" I demanded.
"She's with me," Dewey replied, "I just wanted to check on things."
"And you did, now leave," Tatum told him as the guys in the room, expect for Randy, basically drooled at the sight of Gale. "And take your media muff with you." Tatum got up and walked out of the room to the kitchen where Sidney was. "She's right or do you want a repeat from Sydney and I" I said raising my leg in a karate pose making her shruder as she tried to ignore me.
"I watch your show regularly," some guy commented.
"This must be big news to be on Inside Story," Stu commented.
"Huge," she nodded.
"Wanna interview us?" some girl asked hopefully as I leant back into Randy's arms, Gale sent a glance in my direction.

"We can be like grief stricken students and we'll say really nice things about our good friends who were slaughtered senselessly," Randy added jokingly making me shove him gently he groaned at me.
"I can cry on cue," Stu threw in.
"Maybe later," Gale commented before coughing and doubling over by the TV, she'd been wandering around. "Can I trouble you for some water?" She asked stu
"How 'bout a beer?" Stu asked, "Randy... get the lady a beer."
"You get her a beer yourself you lazy arse," I sneered at him making him frown and Gale glanced at me, as if suddenly realising I was there.

"How are you feeling?" she questioned curiously "oh just peachy" I said sarcastically, "Have you heard anything off Sydneys farther and your step father?" I shook my head as the other teens watched us curiously. "Are you worried?"
"No" I replied calmly making everyone gasp, "My best friend and I have a psycho after us and both our dad's are missing... either their dead or trying to kill us... so no I'm not worried in that situation not at all." She smiled weakly and nodded at my sarcasm.

It was getting late, so a lot of people decided it was time to go... I was in the lounge room cuddling Randy when I heard Sidney scream. I ran to the front door, only to see Billy with a sheepish grin. "Bastard," I mumbled making him turn to me.
"Dude, what are you doing here?" Stu asked as Sydney walked up to me.
"I was hoping Sid and I could talk," he replied as I raised my fist at him.
"If Tatum or Randy sees you... they'll draw blood," Sidney commented before looking at me, "And I'm sure Sofia is about to snap"
"You guys can go up to my parents room," Stu offered, "To talk and... whatever." He draped his arm around my shoulders, "I'll keep Sofia company so she doesn't try and kill you." I grabbed his arm and twisted it behind his back
"Subtlety, Stu," Billy grumbled, "Look it up."
"It's okay," Sidney nodded as she gave me a look. "We need to talk." She took his hand and led him up the stairs as Randy walked out of the kitchen with more cheesy popcorn.

Screaming Love (a Randy Meeks love story)Where stories live. Discover now