Chapter 3

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That next evening I was lounging across sidneys sofa, waiting for Randy to get off work and come get me so I could stay at his place. I had stayed at Sidney's place last night after what had happened since both Sidney's dad and my stepdad were away, Michael had stayed with a dog sitter I had arranged to look after him while I stayed at Sydneys and Randy's. Sidney had decided she wanted to stay at Tatum's tonight and I already had plans to stay at Randy's this weekend anyway. It wasn't long until Sidney came down the stairs, dropping her overnight bag by the sofa before dropping down next to me and turning the TV on.

"The entire nation was shocked today by the teen murders in North Carolina..." the first channel said making her switch to the next.

"The State Bureau of Investigation has joined forces with local authorities to help catch what the Governor has called the most heinous..." the second reporter was saying. Once again she turned the channel over to reveal Gale Weathers standing in front of our school.

"This is not the first time the small town of Bayboro has endured such a tragedy," she was saying, "Only a year ago, Maureen Prescott wife and mother was found raped and murdered, Only a couple of meters away was Pauline Elizabeth also a wife and mother was found murdered..." An old black and white photo of our mums together appeared on the screen as I sat up, my jaw clenching in anger my face turned into a snarl, until Sidney turned the TV off completely.

"I hate that bitch," I muttered as I went on my phone "remember if my stepdad asks I'm at Tatum's with you" I said putting the Halloween theme music on my ipod and laid down for a rest.

What felt like minutes later my phone rang loudly in synch with the house phone making Sidney leap up to grab the house one as I flipped mine open, "Hey, I got out early," Randy commented from the other end, "I'm on my way."

"Randy It's only seven how'd you pull that off," I commented

"Mr Jenkins found out about the murders," he replied, "Plus this way we can be at my place early and we can get in more horror movies in."

"That's great I'm stoked we're having a horror-athon just you and me even if we do have one once a month" I said smiling

"Yeah Its my favourite time of the month" he said  "why because you get to watch horror movies or cause you get to hang out with me" I teased "definitely the movies" he said jokingly "Randy" I said putting on a whiny voice "ok hanging out with you" he said laughing

"Don't tell Sydney but I raided her cupboards for snacks" I said in quiet voice as I turned my head to see Sydney on the phone and she threw a pillow at me.

"What did you get" he asked "nothing much just a packet of Doritos and some marshmallows" I answered truthfully "could you get some more snacks on your way too."

"Like I'd forget your dark chocolate and mike n ikes ," he commented making my smile widen, "see you soon Sofie" he said

"Did you just call me Sofie I like that see you Rand," I replied before hanging up with a slight blush.

"Whatever, just hurry," Sidney said before hanging up the house phone and turning to me. "Is that a blush?"

"No," I defended as I sat up properly on the sofa "come on Sofia you've liked him since like 5th grade" Sidney said rolling her eyes "yeah but I don't think he likes me in that way" I replied sadly

She was about to say something else when the house phone rang again, "Tatum?" she questioned as she answered it. Only it obviously wasn't at her next question, "Hi, who is this?".

I looked up at her with a frown, "Aha, Randy, you gave yourself away," she grinned suddenly, "Are you calling from work? Tatum's on her way over." She rolled her eyes at the next question before tossing me the cordless phone making me smirk.

Screaming Love (a Randy Meeks love story)Where stories live. Discover now