Chapter 4: Who are you?

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6 years later 

Sunlights pov

"Harder!"  I was trying to dodge a claw while pushing hard and breathing fire onto my enemy "roll to the left kick and breath fire!" As always I rolled to the right and got clawed "that is enough for today" my teacher fang he is really tall bulky and annoying and did I mention rude? Mean? And he is a skywing. An he is white on the top has orange as a middle scale and red at the bottom "Next time fight like a skywing!" "But I am not a skywing!" "I'm a sandwing!" I really wanted too out my barbed tail into his face but he is my only trainer that will train for free. Anyway walked away this was the training room there was barely any sunlight. I was training to be a guard ever since the war I wanted to train the protect my family and to find my long lost sister/brother to travel the lands. 

Fangs pov

"Sunlight need improvement on only her hearing and to listen during battle or else she will be dead meat in the real world." A slithering hissing voice awnsered followed by a four claws "she needs to be ready by the next three full moons" it hissed like a rattling snake "then I will take her in her sleep" "and I will get payed?" The figure thought for a moment "it depends on how well you trained her. Now don't disappoint me fang I will also have three tests ready for her" it slithered away like a stalking rattle snake. "Oh don't worry I won't" 

Sunlights pov

I was walking down to dinner down the halls that always make my feet ache somtimes I get blisters when I heared a cry for help in the forbidden area it sounded like a child? Why would a child be in a training center for teens/adults? I looked to make sure nobody was following or looking at me it was clear so I went down there too see what was going on.

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