Chapter Seventeen: The Truth

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• Lesly •

We look down at the headstones. Pure shock and confusion was written across all of our faces. Not believing what we were seeing right in front of us. As I grabbed Evie from the floor we each looked at the muddy ground. It felt like hours before someone had said something; which it had been Grace that had spoke up, breaking the silence between all of us.

"What the fuck!" Grace rasped looking freaked out as hell. I mean we're seeing our names on fucking headstones for fuck sake. I'm pretty sure anyone would be freaked out about that shit!

I look around glancing at each of the girls; becoming curious as I bent down and touched the headstone to see if it was real. Just as my fingertips grazed against the marble block..


"Oh my god, can this rain be anymore annoying!" Empress complained. Evie was up and looking forward as I drove.

The thunder clashed, scaring me. I couldn't keep control of the vehicle. We were all frantically screaming, terrified of crashing into something. I moved the steering wheel from right to left with quick movements, no use.

The tires screeching on the road as I'm trying to keep the car on the road, as i was close to the big ass pool of mudd i was able to keep the car on the road with one turn to the right but lost control again sending us into a pole. I slammed on the breaks trying to prevent us from getting into a accident. 

 I was too late, we crashed into a pole making me fly foward into the windshield. Empress and Evie screaming in pain from the accident. I soon couldn't breathe, choking on my own blood and some glass that was stuck in my throat. Blood all over the front hood of the car and some of it on the glass. i looked to my left and i felt tears run down my cheeks before i finally took my last breathe.


I moved away from the headstone, with my eyes widened, I feel sweat dripping down my forehead and tears free falling. I was shocked at what i had just saw, Seeing my own death and how it happened. My hands found their way around my face then to my throat. Empress, Evie and Grace picked me up asking me what had happened. I couldn't bring myself to speak. I felt lumps form in the bottom of my throat. 

I shook my head in response, turning my attention back at the stones. Scared that, that was true. There was no way that the shit happend. I, I can't be dead. We all can't be dead.


We all looked at Lesly, concerned about what had just happened. She looked so pale, her eyes widened for some reason. We all were holding her, giving her comfort. Each of us interrogating her with questions. 

"I, we, no, I cou. NO!" She stuttered, I furrowed my brows, drifting my focus on the headstones. Curiosity eating at me when i left the group huddle to find out what Lesly saw. I bent down to touch it when Grace and Empress yelled at me. 

"Evie!" They yelled, facing them an away from the unknown infromation of the headstones and what Lesly had just saw an experienced...

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