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People love asking you about how you feel about turning 18. They all insist it's the most important day of your whole entire life. Not because you're becoming an adult. Not because it's the day you get to be on your own. No, it's not for any silly reasons like that. It's all because of the stupid soulmate thing. You don't believe the so called soulmate thing. It's always just been a bedtime story to you.

Having a string around your finger leading to your soulmate. Sounds obscure. Your best friend, Nagito Komaeda, believes it. You find it odd that he does. The thing is he says he doesn't want to meet his soulmate. To you it seems to you that he doesn't want to meet them because they don't exist.

Of course everyday he asks you if you're ready to meet your soulmate. You promptly tell him no, adding on that you don't have a soulmate anyway.

"Nagito? Why should my soulmate be determined by string?" You ask him.

He shrugs. "The universe is an odd place, (Y/N). It granted me with my luck. And unluckiness too." Nagito says.

You laugh at the strange white haired boy. He always said the weirdest things about hope and luck. He also had a tendency to talk about him being trash. Naturally you would tell him he's not trash.

"Nagi, I'm just saying it's a little weird that the universe wants to tie strings around our fingers and say "Go meet your soulmate that is determined by this string!" Like, really?" You say.

Nagito shrugs. "You'll be 18 soon enough. Guess you'll just have to see then."

"If everyone, above 18 of course has a string, why can't I see them?" You slyly ask.

"Because (Y/N). Only you can see your own string. Of course you can let people see your string but..." He hesitated, seemingly thinking deeply about something. "...that's complicated." He finished.

You puff out your cheek and cross your arms in annoyance. This stupid soulmate stuff makes no sense! Strings, invisible strings!? What kind of crack does someone have to be on to believe that?

"Whatever Nagi!" You exclaim, having no real argument. "Anyway, you wanna help me with my invites?"

"Sure I guess. I have trashy handwriting though." He tells you.

You shrug. "Don't care. I have bad handwriting myself."

"Wonderful! We will work together then!" Nagito exclaims.

You smile at you best friend. You're glad you have someone like him as your best friend.


"Alright! All of them are done!" You exclaim happily. You clap your hands together.

"They look great (Y/N)! Everyone will want to come!" Nagito exclaims.

"I'm so excited Nagi! I'm gonna have a life on my own in just 36 hours!"

"And you'll have a soulmate~!"

"No I will not Sir Nagito Komaeda!" You exclaim. "I'll get myself a boyfriend! No string will have to do it!"

"If you so insist, (Y/N)." Nagito says with a light chuckle.

You roll your eyes at the albino boy.


"Yes (Y/N)?"

"When are you gonna meet your soulmate? I know you don't want to and all that junk but..." You slightly trailed off.

"You don't believe in that stuff (Y/N)! Why are you asking?"

"Okay, but I mean in like... theory I guess. Why wouldn't you?"

"I have my reasons." He promptly tells you.

You lean on your best friend. "C'mon Nagi~! Don't be so confidential! Tell me!"

Nagito turns away from you and crosses his arms. He only shakes his head in reply.

"Oh come on Nagito! You're dragging this stupid thing out! It's only a theory! For me at least..."

Nagito sighs, seemingly giving into your pleas. He turns back to you.

"Now in 35 hours you'll think I'm psycho for saying this but..."

He pauses then looks away.

"Tell me!" You exclaim.

He huffs out a nervous breath of air.

"...I'm not in love with my soulmate. I'm in love with another person who is not destined for me."

673- Hi yes i'm sorry it's a really short chapter !! the rest of them will (potentially) be longer. hope you enjoy !!

String//Nagito KomeadaWhere stories live. Discover now