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(well surprise bitches. some of u didn't like the last chapter, whoops, i swear i'm gonna make things better- it moved really quickly— o well. i don't know why i shocked all of that into one chapter. anyway, on with the show!!)


"Hey- Hey~ Wake up!"

A voice.

What? What the hell?

"Oh god don't be dead— plEASE DONT BE DEAD"

That's when you jolt up.

It's dark. You're on a park bench. You frantically look around. What the hell happened.

Oh yea.

You left Nagito.

Lying little cunt found his soulmate.

Then you ended up here...

So... that whole thing, meeting your new soulmate...

... a dream?

(authors note: listen it's the easiest way out of this)

You rub your eyes, not looking at the person who woke you up.

"What time is it?" You mumble out.

"Oh thank god you're not dead."

Why does the voice have a familiar ring to it? It's not Nagito... god he's the last person who would wake you up from sleeping on a park bench.

You sigh, for a multitude of reasons, a main one being Nagito.

"What time is it?" You again, ask the stranger.

"It's around 5 am. 4:49 to be exact." He answers.

You look over at the stranger, finally, then you cover your mouth.





It's that fucking guy from your dream.

"Oh my fucking god." You breath.

The boy, turns his head to the side, clearly confused.

"What is it? Are you alright!?" The boy asks.

You whip your whole body around, and grab the poor boys shoulders. You stare directly into his olive green eyes. You are mere inches from his face. The boy looks terrified.

"Uh- should- I-? I- Is- is this a bad time?"

His eyes are shifting, left and right. You shake him.

"Do you have a soulmate!?" You frantically ask.

The boy nods.  He lifts up his arm, the best he can, to show you his finger.

"It's what brought me here, after all."

• • •

Hajime, as you learned his name actually was, brought you to his house, which was very nice. You two were sitting on his plushy tan couch, a little awkwardly.

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