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Finally! The time for your party is here. Your little house is decorated with (FC) and (2ndFC) balloons and streamers. You did all the decorating yourself, because your two best friends were busy.

"Okay!" You say to yourself. "People should be coming now!"

You sit on the couch, waiting.

2 minutes. Nothing.

5 minutes. Nothing.

Okay, well people are going to be a little late. Only 5 minutes, right?

7 minutes. Maybe you're being meticulous about the time.

10 minutes. Someone should be here.

As that thought crosses your mind, there's a knock at the door. You jump off the couch and bolt to the door. When you swing the door open, you see Nagito standing there.

"Sorry I'm late (Y/N)!" He chirps.

"Oh no, you're the first one here..." You sadly mumble.

"Awe don't worry, more people will come." Nagito reassures you.

You stay silent. Billions of negative thoughts are running through your head. Does no one want to be there? Did you give the invites out too late?

"Hey, (Y/N)?"

You look at Nagito. You know that he can tell you're upset. Despite that, he keeps a bright and optimistic smile on his face.

"Where should I put this?" He asks, holding up a small blue rectangular box.

"On the table I guess." You huff.

"Oh (Y/N), cheer up. You have so much despair in your bones. Be lucky that I'm here!" Nagito says as he sets down the gift.

You only sigh and lay down on your couch.

"I'm cheery, Nagi." You say monotonously.

Nagito sits next to your head. He strokes your hair and gazes down at you.

"Come on now (Y/N)! Let's have fun without everyone." He says.

"That's stupid." You grumble.

"Stop being such a downer (Y/N)! I'm simply trying to fill you with hope." Your best friend says.

You curl into a little ball. Nagito continues lightly stroking your hair. The white haired boy rambles on about how you need to be hopeful and optimistic about the situation you're in.

"Get up, (Y/N)!" Nagito yells as he tugs st your arm.

You lift your eyebrow at him. "Why?"

"We're going to have fun! That's why!"

You groan as the skinny boy hoists you off the couch. He drags your sad, doll like body to your kitchen. Nagito looks around, trying to figure out what to do.

"Let's uh-" Nagito keeps thinking. "Play hide and seek! That's fun! It'll be like when we were kids.

You snicker. "Hide and seek? Really Nagi?"

"Yes! Of course! Why would I lie, (Y/N?)" Nagito pauses. "I just... want to spend this time with you! Ya know, good childhood fun before your adulthood."

You only roll your eyes in response.

"Come on (Y/N)! I'll count first!" Nagito exclaims.

You sigh. "Fine. You make a compelling argument." You say.

String//Nagito KomeadaWhere stories live. Discover now