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"Where is he."

"Ma'am you're going to have to clarify who."

"Oh- uh- yea sorry. Nagito Komeada."

"Nagito... Nagito..." The purple haired lady at the desk, typed some things, and clicked around too.

Finally, after way too long, she tells me: "He's still in surgery."

"How long?" I ask.

The lady at the desk shrugs. "Don't know. Sorry. Feel free to wait though."

I nod, and I drag myself to a chair. I was going to wait- wait until he's out. Nagito... the white haired weirdo who was my best friend for nearly two decades. The by who was so infatuated with me that he changed his and my own destiny.

The boy who left me.

"(Y/N)." I look up. A breathless Hajime is peering down at me.

Oh shit, kinda left him at the restaurant. It wasn't terribly far but...


"Haj!!! I- Listen baby Im sorry I just-" I begin to sputter out like a broken car.

"(Y/N). It's fine. I understand."

Before I can even think, I latch my hands onto Hajimes shirt, pull him close and start sobbing into his torso. Hajime just sighs and pets my hair. He's not annoyed, he just hates seeing me like this. I know it. There's not much he can do.

The girl who could of been his fiancé (me), is now crying about her best friend (who she was temporarily in love with and he was in love with for most of their friendship.) into some plain boys chest (said girls boyfriend).

"Everything will be okay, my love. Do you want to go home?"

You shook your head. You couldn't leave him again.

Hajime sighs. You give him a weary smile. He's compassionate, you know. He can understand what you're going through, but he can't really feel it. Obviously he couldn't feel it, he wasn't you.

"I would stay with you, but I have work in the morning. I'll visit you before I go in, if you're not home. Sound okay?" Hajime asks.

You only give a solemn nod. He gives you another gentle smile, before walking out. He pokes his head around the corner again.

"Are you sure you're okay?"

"I dunno. It hurts. You don't need to be here though. So shoo." You say, having you're hand teasingly.

Hajime smiles at you again.

"Miss you already." He says, then walks out for the final time.

And now it's reflection time.

Is this really a good idea? What if he wakes up, sees you and is immediately disgusted? Nagito is probably expecting his current... lover here. I hop out of my seat, then I go to the same front desk lady- who seems annoyed to see me again.

"Hello Miss, how can I help you?" She asks, with a tint of "oh my god go away" in her voice.

"Yea sorry to bother again-" You say, a weak smile plastered on your face. "-Uh, I think he has a girlfriend or something, has she been contacted? I'm sure she's worried."

The desk lady shrugs. "Do you know her name or anything?"

You shake your head. The lady shrugs again.

"I guess I could see if anyone's been to his house." She says, then proceeds to grab the phone, tap a few numbers with her chipped purple nails.

"Hello?" She says, after a few seconds.

You kinda just stare in anticipation as she asks questions to the person on the other side.

"Oh they're on their way? Cool." She says.

"Yea they'll be at the patients house shortly. Need anything else, miss?"

You shake your head, once again.

"I'll send someone in when I get info, kay?"

You nod. You don't really want to say anything else, so you shuffle away.

Well, here's to waiting.


You wake up to a light tap on your shoulder. Oh god, did you fall asleep here?

"Miss? Are you the one here for Nagito?" Some nurse guy asks you.


Your neck should be broken from all this nodding.

"Well, he's out of surgery. His significant other did not appear to be home when we were there, so we just left a note. Haven't heard back. You're free to go in his room. He's still pretty out of it. We're worried about him going into a coma, but like I said, he's probably just out of it."

You smile. "Thank you, very much."

The nurse smiles and nods, and walks down the hall to some room, and enters it. You stand up, walk to Nagito's room and quietly enter it.

It's pretty dark, only a lamp on the side desk is on, and the digital clock is lit up red.

3:39 am.

Geez did they not kick you out? Odd.

You walk to the side of Nagito's bed. The sight of him is just... miserable. Bandaged stomach, legs, arms. The top of his head is covered, even his neck has one or two bandages on it.

"Oh Nagi..." You take his right hand and squeeze it. "How did you manage?" You ask the unconscious boy.

You stare at him, hoping those musky ocean eyes would open. They didn't, why would they?

You let go of his hand, then go to the chairs in the room. You lay across them, and let sleep take over you.


"Miss? Ma'am! Wake up, you need to leave!"

An urgent nurse wakes you this time.

Groggy and confused, you sit up and are immediately shown out of the room.

"Wha- what happen?" You ask.

"He slipped into a coma."

And that woke you right up.

(930) hah. plot twist? or did we see it coming.

who knows!! anyways, sorry if this was bad, it was low key a filler?? turned out longer than I thought. either way, hope you enjoy!!

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