Chapter 3

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Sorry for not having published anything in a while. School sucks. Enjoy this next chapter, it's a little short though.


I woke with a start, a stiff neck, and momentarily forgot where I was. Then I looked over and saw Sam still asleep and I remembered that I was looking for a grocery store.

I check the clock. 1:20 AM. Aunt Flo is probably worried sick. I check my phone. Surprise, surprise, still dead. Sam was fast asleep, there was no way in hell that I would be able to wake her up. I get out of the car and stood in the chilly night air. This sucked. Aunt Jane doesn't keep a map in the car, my phone is dead, Sam is asleep, and once it starts to snow it will be dangerous to drive.

I sit down on the ground beside the car. I look up at the stars to help me think. I remember the dream I was having before I woke up. The boy looked familiar, but the name was not. Christopher. My thoughts are interrupted by a honk. I stand up to see a car shining its bright lights on me. A guy's head was leaning out of the window.

"Are you okay?" the guy's voice sounds groggy. I didn't answer for a second "Ma'am?"

"I-I'm not a 'ma'am'," was the only thing I was able to say.

"Well then, I apologize," he laughed."If you're alright, I guess I'll just leave you be."

"Oh! No, sorry, I'm looking for a grocery store. I just moved here, I don't know where anything is."

"Well you must not have eyes either. You're in a parking lot for a supermarket."

"W-what?" I look at the building that the guy is pointing at. Jerry's Supermarket. I bang my head on the car.

"Hey, it's late, you were probably too tired to notice," he smiled. It felt like he said it in a condescending way, but it also felt like he was being genuinely nice.

"Jesus, I'm an idiot. Thank you, I would've been sitting out here for another hour before I realized that."

"How long have you been out here?" I look inside the car to check the time. 2:30.

"Well I've been sitting outside for like half an hour, but I got here around 1:20 and fell asleep," I look at my feet embarrassed. I also notice that I'm wearing a snowman onesie. That's embarrassing.

"Quite the adventure. Well, have a nice night. Drive safe, it's supposed to start snowing," at that a snowflake fell and hit my nose,"Look at that, it's started."

We sit in silence for a little bit as the snow fell. I study him as we sit. He has blonde hair, a square jaw, and he was very attractive. He looked a little familiar though, but I can't place it. We come back to life, and he pulls out of the space next to me and drove out of the lot. I wonder what he was doing here if he just left without actually doing anything.

Sam walks to me from the other side of the car.

"I think I have a bruise on my arm. I don't remember doing anything to get a bruise," I laugh.


We walk into the store looking around. I check the list that Aunt Flo gave us and I start walking around the store. Sam and I found everything we needed and we started to head to the check out, but we passed the ice cream section. We practically grab every flavor. We made our way to the check out and the cashier took forever to check us out.

"Sam, how much longer do we have to stand here and look stupid?" I ask grumpily. My cousin rolls her eyes.

"We don't look stupid," she looked down at herself and over at me. We were wearing onesies,"Nevermind, we do."

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