New School Year At Domino High

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Yugi has moved to a new school, he's moved all the way from New York. He moved to Domino City and he now goes Domino High. Yugi entered the office and he received his schedule.

1st period- Science 9th

2nd period- Financial Accounts

3rd period- Language Arts 9th

4th period- Algebra II

5th period- Lunch

6th period- Social Studies 9th

He was walking to class when he crashed into a boy that looked just like him! He thought he was just a little tired that he was starting to see things. He entered his first class and he noticed that he saw the boy he crashed into was in there. He was really startled from just seeing him. Yugi sat down in a seat next to the boy that had similar features like him. The boy introduced himself to Yugi.

" I'm Yami Sennen, my family owns 'Sennen Corporation' and my cousin Seto owns well the same as my family's." Yami said as he kissed Yugi's hand.

" I'm Yugi Moto, I just got here. Do you happen to know where science is?" Yugi asked as he blushed a little, and looked down at his schedule.

" I have science with you then I can show you around. Would you like that, Yugi?" Yami asked as he placed his hand on top of Yugi's head. Yugi just blushed even more. Yugi nodded and Yami showed him the classes, they had together.

40 minutes later.....

" Thanks Yami, for showing me around. I liked it a lot. But where do I go for lunch? I don't know anyone besides you now." Yugi said as he looked at Yami. Yami just stood there, then he told Yugi that he could come with him at lunch.

" Yugi, the bell is going to ring, so do you want to start walking to class?" Yami said as he tapped Yugi on the shoulder.

" OK, so the science room its in the 1000's, right? That means that its in the east side of the high school." Yugi said as looked on the map on the other side of the paper. Yami nodded and Yugi sighed. They both started walking to science.

" Yugi, can I have your number? So far you have been the only person who been so nice to me unlike the people here. So can I have your number?" Yami asked as he put his arms behind his head. Yugi laughed, Yami just smiled with a slight blush.

" Yami, I'll give you my number, but is that true about me being the only person who's been nice to you? Yami....." Yugi asked as he looked up at Yami. Yugi was looking down to the floor. Yami then noticed a tear roll down Yugi's cheek.

" Yugi.... what's wrong? Yugi, tell me..... please!" Yami said as he shook Yugi. Yugi just stood there until a few minutes later.

" Yami, I- I'm getting blackmailed by a certain girl. She.... hates me and she usually we go for people who hang out with me. Yami, I'm warning you about her..... please be careful." Yugi said as he looked at Yami and he walked on.

"Yugi, don't worry because I really don't care what people say about me and you shouldn't care because it's not true. Yugi, don't worry, I'll be there to protect you." Yami said as he placed his hand on Yugi's head.

They both continued to science and Yugi's new school year was about to begin.

So who's blackmailing Yugi..... comment for your guesses and please vote.

I do not own Yu-Gi-Oh, and other characters from this TV series.

New School Year At Domino High (Puzzleshipping) (Boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now