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  It was winter, everything was bare and felt icy. I felt the harsh winds brush across my face, no doubt reddening it in the process. I shivered, gripping the neck area of the cloak and tightening my hold on the basket. I walked down the dirt patch, the view of my house blurring slowly.

  The trees surrounding this area were dark and exposed, with a light snow covering the surface of everything outside. It felt empty...and lonely. I wanted to see Michael soon. I heard twigs and dead leaves crunch under my boots, with the snow muffling the sound.

  I heard faint noises in the distance, but I tried to ignore it to calm my nerves. I reached Michael's house about half an hour later. I blew into my hands before knocking on the wooden door. I waited before knocking again, and Michael's brother opened the door slowly.

  He was still young, so he had some trouble, but he was too stubborn to ask for help. He finally pulled it open, his bright eyes staring up at me. I offered a small smile, but he only stared. I bit my lip, and he suddenly jerked forward and hugged me tightly. "Berry!" He squeaked, and I choked out a laugh.

  "Hey mogwai," I teased, and he pulled his head back just to glare at me with his cheeks puffed out. I giggled, and he poked his tongue out, before I ran my fingers through his hair for a few seconds. He hummed happily, and he started to try and shuffle us both into the house, making me laugh. I walked forward slowly, him trying not to trip, and I went in far enough to close the door behind both of us.

  "Where's your brother?" I asked softly, and he nuzzled his face into my stomach. "Big brother..." he whimpered. I slowly kneeled down in front of him to wrap my arms around his small body, and he desperately clung on the back of my cloak.

  "He's...always sick...and sleepy..." He finished, and my stomach twisted as I heard his voice crack. I sighed, rubbing his back before pulling away and standing up. He stared up at me, and I reached for his hand to walk to Michael's room.

  He rubbed his eyes, so I rubbed my thumb over his hand until we reached his brother's room. I knocked on the door, looking down to give him a small smile. A soft "come in" was heard through the door, so I opened it slowly. Michael was in his bed, his hair messy and the top half of his body out of the blanket along with a leg sticking out.

  He was wearing grey shorts and a black short sleeved shirt that had risen up halfway... I felt his brother pull me towards the bed, and I followed, so he could hug his brother while still holding my hand. Michael finally noticed me, and it was obvious that he was surprised. "I-it's you..." He stuttered out, and I couldn't stop the smile that grew across my lips hearing his voice. "It's me," I confirmed quietly.

   I reached my hand to give his a light squeeze, but he pulled me quickly. He laughed as I let out a yelp and I almost fell on him. Luckily, I caught myself, but I was a few inches away from his face. I stared at him for a few seconds, my face reddening, before I let out a nervous chuckle and backed away to sit on the edge of his bed. His brother climbed up on the bed and squeezed between Michael and I.

   Michael had moved up on the bed to give everyone space, and his brother took the chance to sit on his lap. I chuckled, leaning against the back of the bed. Michael's legs had slightly moved against mine, but neither of us moved. We spent time playing around and hanging out for a while until his brother fell asleep. He was lying on top of Michael until he lightly moved him on the other side.

   "He's still innocent as always," I said quietly, making him look down at the youngest for a few seconds. "I hope he stays that way," Michael chuckled, turning to look at me. He leaned over, and I watched until his hands took mine. "Red?" His voice was soft... I stared at him. Then he started to grin, making me confused, until he pulled me towards him.

   A noise of surprise left my throat, and I found myself straddling him. "T-this is happening a lot," I joked as I felt my face burn. I felt his hands on my back, and he slowly lowered me onto him. I stuttered until his arms wrapped around me, and I realized we were lying together. My eyes widened as I stiffened, and his hands started moving. One was in my hair and the other on the small of my back. "M-Michael...?" I started quietly, but he shook his head.

   "I feel like I'm dying." He sighed, running his fingers through my hair. "Don't joke about stuff like that," I told him, feeling my stomach twist, "it makes my chest feel heavy." He was quiet, his actions suddenly making me feel tired. "Sorry... hurts. I don't know how long I've been like this...but I hate it. Always...sick...and tired..." He probably would have said more if I hadn't whimpered.

   He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me up closer to him, keeping an arm around my waist and putting his hand in my hair again. It was silent for what felt like a few minutes. "Honestly... I'm scared," he admitted, making me freeze. I slid my arms around him while shaking my head. "S-stop talking..." I whispered. I felt my throat tighten, but I stayed in place. 

   His brother woke up, rubbing his eyes and running out the room. I stared at the doorway. I couldn't help but laugh. I saw Michael smile at me from my peripheral vision. He slid his hand from my hair to my hand, entwining our fingers slowly. I don't know how long it was, but I had somehow fallen asleep at some point. 

When I woke up, Michael wasn't there.

* * *

Ahh, I love cliffhangers...when I do them. It's forbidden for anyone else. That shiz hurts, but it's funny doing it yourself...hehe. Anyway, I'm trying so hard to make long chapters with such good writing and plot...uGh fml.  

 And to the special one reading this, ily

Wish me luck for the next chapter ;;;

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01, 2017 ⏰

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