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I wake up and I see that the lights are already on and the door is open. Then I see something. It's weird; I can't quite explain, but I see myself. And I'm talking to Selena, she looks concerned, or maybe scared. I can kind of hear what she is saying, so I listen.
"...all of the evidence... ...general fact...–napped."
What is she talking about? I can't fully understand because I can only hear bits and pieces. I walk out of my room, just in time, because then "I" close the door to my room. I look at "my" face and I see that I look shocked, like I had just had a huge realization. But I can also see something else on my face; it's anger. I don't know what I'm angry at, but it's definitely apparent. Then, I hear the intercom.
Just as the intercom turns on, I wake up with a jolt.
"It's okay," I reassure myself, "It was just a dream." I whisper with shaky breaths. But I find it hard to believe myself because it seemed so real. Like it was really happening. And for some reason, that makes me anxious.
Then, the lights turn on and the door lock clicks. I get up and walk out of my room. I see Selena and walk over to her. She lights up as she sees me. I feel like I do the same, but I obviously can't tell.
"I had the weirdest dream last night . It seemed like the weirdest thing, because it seemed real, but it couldn't be." She tells me.
"I did too. You were in it." I tell her, still kind of spooked from last night's dream.
"I realized something last night. We are down here, with our memories wiped, no technology, not really much of anything, we can't see or reach out to our families, right? So, I've thought about it, and all the evidence that I've presented in my head contributes to one general fact." She looks a little afraid of what she is about to say.
"What is it?" I say all of this becoming slowly familiar.
"I think that we've been kidnapped." She says.
I get instantly angry as I go to shut my door. As I do that, I remember why this seems familiar. This was in my dream. Could this be what the voice was talking about, our "powers"? It has to be. I cant just brush off things like this as coincidences when I know I have these unpredictable abilities. This realization must be why I saw myself being surprised. I must be angry at the fact that we have been kidnapped. And, if I am correct, the intercom will turn on right now. I'm correct, but something happens to me as it does. My whole body jolts. I figure that this must be me waking up from my physic whatever-it-was.
"Yes, it is that time again. Time for another trigger." The voice says as I approach my room. "But, don't be so sure of what you are doing. We will have ours in here this time. You can see there is a group of chairs in the middle of this room. Not so fast, little children. We have a seating arrangement today! Selena, sit anywhere you want first. Then, Proteus to her left, Kiana to Selena's right. Then, Bader next to Kiana." We all sit down and look at each other. "I believe Selena would like to tell you about a dream she had. How did I know that she would be our next trigger, you ask? Well, Selena talks in her sleep. That's enough of that, let's get on with our trigger, darlings!" The intercom shuts off and I look over to Selena to see her face getting almost as red as her hair.
"Uhh..., well, I guess I'm obligated to tell you. Well, first we were all on the ground, then we all bent our knees, and pushed off as hard as we could. Well, at least I did. Then angelic wings sprouted from our back..."
I couldn't hear her after that, because I started fading away into the memory. We were all flying in the sky. I look to the side of me and I see Proteus to my right and I grab his hand and he smiles at me.

Selena POV
As I tell them about my dream, they all sort of, droop down. I instantly recognize that they don't look like someone who is remembering something. I jump up from my chair and start shouting.
"What did you give them?!" Over and over again until the intercom turns on.
"Settle, darling. It was just a mild sedative while they were sleeping, I have everything planned out ahead of time. The sedative...helps you remember. I have it formulated so they will wake, and "fall asleep" at the correct times."
"Mild? This is definitely not mild! And why didn't I get the sedative?" I scream.
"You didn't get the sedative because you already had the trigger, while you were sleeping. And it is mild, more or less."
"When will they wake from the effects of the sedative?" I say, starting to understand.
"Soon. Just be patient, sweetie."
"I am not your "sweetie", your "darling", your anything." I say through my teeth, gritting them as I spoke.
"Don't grit your teeth, honey. It's bad for them." The intercom shut off, and they woke up from the daze.
Kiana POV
As I woke up, I see Selena stand up. I look up and Proteus and I lock eyes.

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