Chapter Twenty-Four: The Agreement

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(Alphys' POV)

When I opened my eyes I was chained up to a wall. I didn't know what was going on, all I remembered was Chara knocking me out. I looked from side to side and saw I was still in my boss monster mood. Shouldn't it have worn off by now? I was more confused then anything so I tried to get free, but I couldn't break the chains because it was like a very powerful spell was on them.

       "Don't be alarmed  Alphys, I'm not here to hurt you, but to make a deal with you." I looked up and saw Chara walking towards me. What deal could she possibly give me at this point.  (A/N: This is how Alphys acts in her boss monster form. You can say she's a little like Undyne.)

         "Whatever it is, I will not take it. How could you be with her? I've seen what she does to you, she did the same exact thing to Undyne." I said to her as calm as I could be right now.

      "Well, let's put it this way if you don't take this deal, then you will suffer more then you will ever know. I'm trying to help you. I saw Undyne yesterday in the room with us, you couldn't see her but I could. She tried to set you free, but she couldn't because she was only mist. I had to get rid of her because Lydia could see her too and I didn't want her to watch what Lydia has planned for you in this form. Alphys, she's going to turn you against Undyne. She's going to use your magic to take control over your body." My face dropped once Chara said this to me. If she takes control over me then that would mean I would hurt my friends and Undyne. Why was Chara telling me this I don't know.

       "Chara, why are you telling me this? Why am I chained up like this?" I asked her and she looked from the door then back to me. I could see cuts and bruises as she got closer to to the light.

        "I don't have much time, alright she'll be here in less then five minutes. I don't know why I got with her, just something about her makes me feel safe. All the bad things I have done in the past timelines I can never forgive myself. At first she was sweet and kind and everything else, but something snapped in her and she's been hurting me. Alphys, we are in a lab down in Monstertown. I know you have contact with Undyne, please tell her this don't come here because it's a trap.' There was a door slamming shut.  'Oh no, if she sees me in here I'm going to get in trouble, please tell Undyne not to come, I'll figure a way to get you out I promise." Then she bolted into a cell door and hid.

My heart was racing and my thoughts were running wild. Why would Chara help me? Is she lying or is she really telling me the truth? I didn't know if I should trust her, but she looked rather startled, but I don't know yet. Something about all this isn't making much sense.

Oh no, my head was pounding again which wasn't sure good sign. If I stay in this form for much longer I will lose what I have left of my soul and I will become what Lydia wants me to become.  This wasn't good, none of this was good. Control it Alphys, just stay in control. Damn, my heart wouldn't stop racing.

         "You can feel it can't you Alphys? This form consuming your soul. I may have made it come quicker then I wanted it too. Pretty soon you will be in my control, you will lose all your humanity if it should be called.' She said as she was in front of me with her hand on my cheek. 'I don't see what Undyne sees in you, but that will all change very soon. Don't fight it Alphys let it consume your soul and be free of the prison you locked it in. It won't be long now. When you lose yourself. Sleep well my little pet." She laughed as she turned away from me. 'And one more thing..." She turned to me and gripped my neck where I couldn't breathe . 'You will never see Undyne again because she'll also be in my control soon." She released me as I took a breath.

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