“Would you two like something to drink?” I asked Jackson and Rylan as i unlocked the door to my house and pushed it open.
“Yes please.” Rylan answered.
“Wonderful manners Ry.” I said giving him a wink. He giggled in response.
“Jackson?” I called, gaining his attention.
“Huh, sorry?”
I chuckled. “Would you like something to drink?”
“Oh, um a glass of water please.”
“Sure. Ry what would you like? We have water, cordial, juice?” as i said juice, his little eyes sparkled.
“What kind of juice?” he asked curiously.
“Well, well have apple, orange, pineapple...”
“Orange please!” he grinned mischeviously. "Orange is my most favourite juice EVER! And did you know, that it is my second favourite colour! Coz i like green as my favourite, so orange is number 2!" he spoke enthusiastically.
"Really?! Green is my favourite colour too!" as i said this, Rylan's eyes widened in surprise.
"You're my best friend now!" he stated, leaving no room for argument.
"I would love to be your best friend." i grinned. “Now, how about we get those drinks sorted? Do you both just want to sit down on the couch and i’ll bring them in? You can turn the t.v on if you want Ry and chose something.” i said smiling at them both.
“I’ll give you a hand. Don’t make a mess Ry.” Jackson said walking into the kitchen with me. We entered the kitchen and i got two glasses and a plastic cup with cool cartoons of spongebob on it for Rylan. I poured Ry’s juice then got two glasses of water, one for myself and the other for Jackson.
“Hey, um about what Rylan said before...” Jackson started, rubbing the back of is neck, trailing off what he was saying.
“What?” i said, stopping what i was doing and looking straight to him.
“Um, well i ah...” he wasn’t finishing what he was saying, again.
“What? You can talk to your brother all about me, but not to my face? I’m hurt.” i teased.
“No, ah this is really hard to put into words. I want to say what i’m thinking right now, but how ever i think of saying it, it doesn’t seem right.” he said looking back to me after looking at his hands.
“I see, i see. So you don’t like me then?” i teased some more. What am i doing? Yeah i tease the guys but, this is Jackson. Jackson barely ever talk to me Heath. Scratch that. Jackson barely ever talk to me who apparently likes me now Heath.
You like him though, don’t you?
No! I don’t like him like that.
Yeah sure, sure. Keep saying that Miss Oh he’s so attractive and i totally like him but will never admit it.
There’s nothing to admit ok? Be quiet voice inside my head, i feel like i’m going mad when i’m talking to you!
“Logan, i...” Jackson was cut off when we heard a yelp. We both ran into the living room to find Rylan on the floor, tears threatening to fall.
“What happened Ry?” Jackson asked.
“I came to get my drink coz you.. you were talking to long and i, i fell on that!” he cried, pointing to the mat that had the corner turned over. He started balling his eyes out so i scooped him up into my arms, his head on my shoulder with his arms wrapped around my neck and his legs wrapped around my stomach. I rubbed his back, rocking back and forth, whispering soothing words into his ear.
“It’s ok buddy. You’re alright.” I said, moving over towards the couch to sit down with him in the same position, but now that he was sitting on my lap and laying on my chest. I kept him in that position as i continued to rub his back and sway slightly.
“Jackson came and sat down next to me on the couch. He smiled warmly at me, with a proud look on his face. We put a movie on and it wasn’t long until Rylan was asleep in my arms.
“He likes you.” Jackson broke into my thought process.
“Rylan, he likes you. He doesn’t fall asleep on just anyone, you’re one of the lucky few. I’ll know who to all if he won’t go to sleep.” he whispered with a light chuckle.
“He is a gorgeous boy.” I smiled down at him.
“Yeah. He is, isn’t he.”
“Logaannn! I’m hoommmeeeeee!!!” my brother yelled from the door stomping in.
“SSHHHHHHHHHHHH!” both myself and Jackson whisper yelled.
Emlyn seen the small bundle in my arms then started blushing brightly out of embarrassment. “Sorry.” he whispered.
“It’s ok.” i smiled at him. “You wanna finish watching Harry Potter and the Order of the Pheonix with us?” i asked him.
“Yeah, okay.” he grinned, flopping down on the couch next to me. I couldn’t help but smile. This was great. We finished watching the movie, then Jackson decided to take Rylan home.
“We’ll see you guys later.” i smiled to the Jackson as he left.
You totally do like him. The voice inside my head stated.
Ergh! Why? Why do i feel the urge to agree with you?!
Because you know i'm right?
This is crazy! I'm talking to myself.
And i should stop it because it's weird! You're weird!
I am not weird, but you do know by saying that, it means you're calling yourself weird.
Whatever, i'm not talking to you right now.
Ah, yes you are.
Go away, i'm not anymore.
I left the loungeroom and went upstairs to my room. As soon i was there i flopped down on my bed dramatically.
I couldn’t deny it any longer. I did like Jackson Heath.
RandomLogan is 16 and in year 10. She has a best friend named Max and an amazing brother named Emlyn. Noah, Max's older brother is like another older brother for Logan, and the same goes for Max and Emlyn. All of Emlyn's friends get along with Logan excep...