Chapter 16 - Court is in Session

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Rebecca's evening after the council session turns out much more peaceful. She visits Lila in the dragon hold and shares the events of the day with her. When she tells Lila about Triston she wanted to slaughter Triston.

Rebecca wakes up in her four-poster bed with her alarm going off at six o'clock the next morning.

She takes care of Elizabeth and sees the charismatic local seamstress, Lady Issault. Lisa has given Rebecca's correct measurements and Issault has delivered ten corset dresses. This included eight regular daywear dresses and two ballroom gowns with four sets of matching slippers.

Rebecca's first court session starts in the afternoon and she is glad that Lisa makes her look presentable to the public eye. She arrives at the courtroom in a pastel yellow dress. With matching gloves. Lisa also added a little sparkle to her hair with a diamond hairnet.

She approaches the courtroom door with four knights as her protective escort. Well hidden among the folds of her dress is her katana sword.

As she approaches she sees that people have already lined up outside to have their cases heard and judged. She enters the side door.

"All stand in respect of her majesty the Queen of the Golden Valley, Rebecca of Black Mountain," the door porter announces in a clear and loud voice.

Rebecca slowly walks to her chair. In doing this she creates this image that she is very graceful. In reality, she is a nervous wreck again. She has never been a judge in any court.

She sees Lirian sitting in the same corner as the previous day. Again in a position where she can not talk to him quietly. Reminding her of the silent message between Triston and the phoenix.

Rebecca reaches the judge's chair and turns towards the crowd already waiting in their wooden bunks on either side of the council room that is now a courtroom.

"Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen. You may take your seats," Rebecca says to the crowd.

"Thank you, your majesty. After today, news of your return will travel to the far reaches of your kingdom and all shall know that the king's daughter has returned. Before we begin, I must ask you if you will accept a prearranged marriage, that was preordained by your father before he left on his fateful journey?" Triston, seems extremely hopeful, that things will turn out as he has planned it.

"Baron, with all due respect. Where I come from, a pre-arranged marriage is seen as a violation of basic human rights and young people are free to choose who they will marry of their own free will. My answer to your question is no. Neither do I expect it to be practiced by my people," Rebecca replies.

She sees what he is planning. He is trying to enforce his will into the kingdom and is still trying to undermine her authority as queen.

"Forgive me, your majesty. It will only help you to assert your power more easily," Triston tries a different tactic to get his way. He thinks he can get past the king.

What a complete asshole. Did he think I would fall for this argument?

"At the cost of my happiness and with that, only further deprive my subjects of the privilege, of a well-organized kingdom, that caters for every need. I have learned a lot and I am eager to share this knowledge and build a legacy, that can withstand the test of ages. The husband I choose, will have a tall order to fill and a high standard to keep this kingdom growing to stand on its own feet, without having to rely on outside help, and most important of all, he must accept me for the person I am, regardless of my position," Rebecca announces.

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