episode 10

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"You're...kidding, right?" Felix breathed in protest, wincing as he did so. Anger flooded within him, so frustrated that his own actions were encouraging her to leave him behind.

Emma sighed sadly, pinching the bridge of her nose as she shook her head. "No. Felix, I don't want to leave you here. But you're safer. You're probably bleeding internally, and moving isn't going to help you. You can barely walk!" Emma exclaimed, watching tears mist his eyes.

"So?" he argued, knowing how futile his words sounded. The injuries he sustained were bad, and he knew he would only slow her down. But that didn't make letting her go into the cruel, dark world any easier.

Pressing her lips together in a tight line, Emma held back tears as she reached out and grabbed his hand. "It's more likely to go after a moving target. You'll be safe here. And I'll be quick" Emma promised, offering a smile that did everything but convince him.

"I'm not worried about myself" Felix said, watching Emma's head tilt in confusion. "I'm worried that something's going to happen to you out there, and I'm not going to be able to stop it. I'm not even going to know" he whispered as nausea rose in his stomach at the thought of her laying on the floor, bleeding out, while he sat here, waiting.

Emma sniffled, using the back of her hand to wipe her eyes. Her hand gripped his tighter, wishing with all that she had that she didn't have to let him go. "Emma" Felix exclaimed, his voice loud. Emma jumped, meeting Felix's brilliant eyes. "A wheelchair, in the nurse's office. The nurse's office is close. It's not ideal, but it's better than splitting up."

Studying the excitement in Felix's eyes that came from being with her, not being left behind, was reason enough to convince her. And she knew, too, that Felix was good with radios, better than she was. It seemed like the best plan. She would never admit it, but she, too, was terrified of bleeding out in the hall, alone, in the grip of the shadows.

"Okay." Emma nodded sullenly, taking in a deep breath. "It's a deal" she agreed, ignoring how her breath trembled with fear.

Felix nodded sullenly, still faced with the fact that she had to leave, by herself. Emma glanced over her shoulder, her eyes landing on the door that she had tried so hard to barricade. Running her tongue over her lips, a shaky breath escaped her. "Alright then" she gulped, putting on a nervous smile.

"Alright then" Felix repeated softly, studying the terrified gleam in her eyes. Their hands remained entangled, neither one of them willing to let go. Emma tore her eyes away from Felix's while she had the will power, knowing that looking at his pained expression would render her weak.

So she planted her feet on the ground, attempting to rise to her feet. But Felix's hands gave a persistent tug, her confused eyes finding his. "Promise me-" his voice broke as his lower lip trembled, "promise me you'll come back."

Emma felt an aching sensation bloom from the center of her heart, each petal fluttering to her swirling core where fear fluttered. Squeezing his hands back, Emma nodded. "I promise" she breathed, leaning forward where she pushed his hair back off of his forehead, planting her warm lips against his cold forehead. "I promise" she said once again, sure that she was telling the truth.

And then she pulled away, stepping back before Felix could delay her further. Spinning on her heels, she headed for the door, refusing to look back over her shoulder where she knew Felix was watching with his wide, blue eyes.

Emma's trembling hands grabbed the wooden chairs, dragging them away from the door, one by one. And then her hand lay on top of the handle, ready to pull it open. Her eyes fell shut as she gathered the scarce courage that had been shattered.

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