episode 13

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Felix's eyes were wide as he watched the men storm the building, their boots slapping against the tiled floor. Bullets were clicked into place, guns aimed at the massive beast that dispersed all of their doubts.

"Shooting it won't kill it!" Felix shouted, leaning his weight against the lockers as he grew closer, drawn to the defenseless girl who lay on the floor. If gunfire irrupted, who would make sure she didn't get hit in the crossfire?

"Someone's doing what you asked. But this will sure as hell buy us some time" one the men shouted back, his eyes locked onto his target.

Red eyes swept back and forth, analyzing the small mob that had formed around it. It bent over Emma's body, releasing a blood curdling snarl before deciding that the fight was inevitable. Swinging its arm to the side, it lifted Emma as if she was a rag doll, throwing her into the lockers.

A cracking sound rung through the hall as her head hit the lockers, her body dropping limply to the floor. Felix stared with horrified eyes, shaking as he watched the blood spill from her body, onto the floor.

His attention was stolen by the monster lurching for one of the men, gunfire immediately ensuing. Dropping to the ground, Felix heard the cries of pain that escaped the monster and the groans that escaped the men that were thrown to the side.

Felix crawled forward, each movement evoking a stabbing sensation in his leg and back. But he continued forward, his eyes blinded by the brightness that each gunfire created in the dark hall. He only focused on her, the girl he loved, the one who lay still, now only feet in front of him.

"Emma" Felix breathed once he'd finally reached her. His hands hovered over her, unsure of what he could do to help her. Blood covered her middle, crimson drops staining the pale skin of her chest. "I'm not gonna leave you. I'm here. I'm not gonna leave you" he promised, pressing his hands over the gaping wound in her side.

Warm blood seeped between his fingers, her body eerily still. Watching her still face, Felix felt exhaustion filling his muscles, his vision going in and out as he tried to stay awake. He was slipping away, and as much as he tried to fight it, he could no longer deny that the darkness was pulling him closer.

"Emma" Felix tried once more, wondering if she was even breathing. "Please don't go" he begged weakly, his voice inaudible under the screams of men and the sound of gunfire. "I didn't- I need to make it up to you. You can't die. Y-you can't" he whispered as her face blurred under the tears that slipped from his eyes.

The sound of gunfire stopped, confusion surging through Felix as he looked over his shoulder at the beast who stood victoriously over the S.W.A.T. team that lay, injured below him. The beast met his gaze, a snarl escaping its bloody lips.

Rushing forward, Felix barely had time to blink before his throat was grasped in its claws and he was lifted from the ground. Its red eyes stared into his, but for the first time, Felix wasn't scared. "Are you happy now?" Felix growled, clawing at its hand which prevented air from entering his lungs.

Head tilted in confusion, it tightened its grip, earning another wheeze from Felix who hung helplessly. It waited- waited for Felix to beg for his life. But Felix only stared back, raising his lip in a snarl. "Do it! Just do it you son of a bitch!" Felix bellowed, ready for this nightmare to finally end.

So the shadowy creature raised its hand, ready to slash it across Felix and steal yet another soul.

But it's claws released Felix, his body falling weakly to the ground. Gasping, Felix looked up at the ghost that stumbled backwards, frantically crying out in pain before its body caught fire. Brilliant, orange flames illuminated the darkness that had surrounded them for so long, pieces of the beast breaking off into the flames before floating to the ceiling.

A staticky sound came from one of the men's radios, a voice coming through as it announced, "Bill Neal's body has been burned. Over."

Felix's head fell back to the cold, hard ground, his tired eyes watching the rest of the monster melt into the growing flames before his vision finally faded to black.

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