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I woke up the next morning and it was stupid Tuesday. God I hate Tuesdays.

I did my daily morning routine and then got in the car to go to school.

When I arrived at school Matt wasn't at my locker. Well my day just got a little better. 

"Alison you look hot today."

He said walking to me.

"Uh thanks."

I said not really caring what he thinks. I wish he would call me something other than hot. Like beautiful or gorgeous. What ever I don't care what he calls me.

"Grab your books and let's go."

He said as I pulled my books out of my locker and headed to class with him.


He said kissing me on the lips quickly and walking away.

I opened the door and headed to the back of the room as usual. I looked at the floor as I walked not wanting to look at him.


I heard him say as I sat down.


I said showing no emotion. 

I have to stop talking to this guy. Seriously. Because then I am going to get attached and if Matt found out I would be dead meat.

"You okay?"

He asked. What is with him being all concerned with my life? No one has ever cared or payed as much attention to me since my dad died that he has in under a week!

I nodded but really I wasn't okay. I'm never okay. I have a boyfriend that I hate. My mother is busy all the time and my brother goes to daycare after school so I never see them. My father died 5 years ago and I am forced to date the man that abuses me. Sounds like a pretty jacked up life to me.

"Are you sure?"
He asked.


I hissed smacking my notebook onto the table and opening it.

He just turned away showing no emotion.

"I'm sorry, I'm just not in the best mood today."

I said turning to face him.

"It's okay."

He said shrugging and not sounding mad at all.

Jeez if I ever was mean to Matt like that he would kill me.

My phone vibrated in my pocket so I pulled it out trying to hide it a little.

It was from Matt:

-Say u gtg 2 the bathroom and meet me at the lockers. Gotta talk.-

I replied:


And walked up to the teacher.

"Hey may I use the restroom please?"

I asked then he nodded.


I said and walked to the door.

When I got to the lockers he was standing there waiting impatiently.

I asked coming up to him.

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