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this chapter is dedicated to LesbianGirl because she made the new amazing cover for me! I love it! <3

###########-- PICTURE OF CHRIS TO THE RIGHT!!!---######

******Ally's Dream******


I walked through the cold and sad cemetary. It was depressing to see all these tombstones in rememberance of dead people. I made my way to my Dad's grave and knelt down. Tears escaped my eyes as I trailed my finger along his name.

"Daddy... I-I miss you so much. I can't describe how badly I want you here. I just wish you didn't leave us. I know you are happier now and all but I just thought you were happy with us. I don't understand why he had to take y-"

"Alison we need to talk."

I whipped around to see Matt standing there looking angry.

"No Matt. Not here, Please NOT HERE."
I said as more tears fell.

"You think you can just leave me? Huh?! You think you can just act like I'm nothing? I'm the greatest fucking thing that's happened to you!! You shouldn't have left... BIG MISTAKE!"
He said grabbing my arms.

I said sternly.

"Just because your little boy toy is getting you all confident doesn't mean you can act like you're tough. Because that's what it is, an ACT. You know you're weak you just don't want to admitt it. And I WON'T HAVE YOU HANGING AROUND HIM ANYMORE! YOU'RE MY GIRLFRIEND! Like it or not you aren't leaving me!"
He screamed in my face.

"You think you can just control me Matt, but you're wrong. I'M DONE WITH YOU! I HATE YOU! Honestly, I've never loved you. You're so mean and possesive! I just can't handle it anymore! I put up with you constantly hurting me, but I'm done! Okay?! I'm sick and tired of you leaving me with bruises and scars. They hurt! They hurt like hell! I don't hurt you! Do you even notice what you do to me!? It's sickening and I think you need some help!"
I hissed and before I could take a breath after saying that he slapped me across the face.

"Don't you dare talk to me like that Alison!"

He yelled literally in my face. His hands gripped my arms tightly.

"You know you love me! Y-You know you love me Alison."

He said sadly. I could see it in his eyes. He was actually upset. I am actually hurting him? He has a heart?

"Matt look I-"

Pain, it hit my face and stung so bad. His fist smashed my face and then again and again.

He breathed out a shaky breath as I layed there next to my own father's grave practically as dead as he was.

I slowly looked up and say a figure. My heart stopped. It was Chris. Hope rise inside me. He's here! He's going to help me!!

Then it hit me. He didn't notice. He was just walking by casually.

"Look at me Alison! Do you think this is funny!? The shit you're saying?! Well you know it makes you sound like a heartless bitch! YOU CAN'T FUCKING TREAT ME LIKE THIS YOU NO GOOD SLUT!"
He screamed and kicked me. His hands grabbed onto my neck tightly pulling me up so we were both standing face to face. I tried to break his grip but I couldn't. Gasping for breath I looked over at Chris and our eyes met. He didn't even look twice he just turned his head and kept walking. I stuck my arm out towards him but he just shook his head in disappointment and shame while walking away. I KNEW IT! I FUCKING KNEW THIS DAY WOULD COME! I just knew he would stop caring at some point. I'm not worth it and all I can say is I knew it. At one point I can't believe I actually thought he wouldn't give up on me.

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