Chapter 32

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Ally's POV:

After I woke up in my bed this morning totally confused my mom told me sort of what happened after I told Chris about what I did because that was the last thing I could remember doing. 

I made my way to Chris's hospital door and let out the breath I had been holding in. I opened the door and walked in. He was sleeping. He looked so cute with his hair all messy the way it was. I smiled a little and walked over to the chair beside him. 

I sighed as I looked at his face... Butterflies fluttered in my stomach as I looked at him happily. He makes me so happy, he's literally my everything. I love him so much.

His eyes fluttered open and my smile faded a little because I woke him.

I chirped smiling at him.

"Morning, how long have you been in here?"
He asked in a groggy, low, morning voice.

"I just sat down."
I said and he rubbed his eyes tiredly.

"Have fun yesterday?"
He asked smirking and sat up.

"My mom told me I was a little loopy... But the last thing I remember was telling you about what I did, then I woke up in my bed at home... What happened?"
I asked getting up from the seat and sitting on the bed, facing him.

"Well you kept laughing while we were talking, then Macy came in and you screamed hi. When they asked if they could come in you told them to have a table, instead of a seat... then you kept giggling and you passed out. Niall had to carry you to your mom's car."
He said remembering what happened. His eyes turned sad all of a sudden.

"What? What else happened?"
I asked and he looked away, thinking.

"Macy was talking to me... She asked how you'd been....I told her how you hadn't told me what happened yet and she was a little shocked by that. I asked her if she knew what happened that night and she told me she did..."

He said and my heart beat picked up just thinking about it.

"I asked her if it was that bad Ally and she told me he tried to do more than hurt you..."
He said coldly.

"Ally what the fuck did he do to you?"
He asked angrily. I started shaking a little as tears rolled down my face.

"Uhm- he uh- he tried to- he-he tried to..."

I couldn't get the words out, I was stuttering so much. I looked up at his angry eyes and they softened when he saw my tear streaked face.

"He tried to rape me Chris but- he-he didn't."
He yelled angrily.

"Oh god this is all my fault..."
He said and my heart ached because it sounded like he was crying.

"Chris don't say that!! It was his fault! He didn't do it, he only tried to but I punched him in the face and he fell off me!"

I explained and he turned to me, his jaw clenched and anger clear on his face.

"Please don't freak out... Please."
I choked out, tears falling down my face. His face softened and he leaned towards me, pulling me close to him. He held me tight and I cried into his shoulder.

"After you crashed I tried to jump out of Matt's truck because he wouldn't stop. When he was trying to pull me back in he crashed into a tree. I fell out and hit the door. I made myself come and find you though. That's why I had crutchs, because I hit the door on my left leg and it hurt it." 

I explained about the car accident. He rubbed my back soothingly.

"When I saw your tire marks on the road I knew your car was near but then Matt came up behind me."
I said as my lip began to quiver and I buried my head deeper into him.

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