Chapter 16 (PICTURE OF ALLY)

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*****PICTURE OF ALLY TO THE RIGHT! OF HER LAUGHING BUT SHE HAS BRUISES FROM MATT************** (how chris see's her :) awww ********************* p.s. you can see the hand marks on her neck from when matt choked her and the bruise under her eye and jaw. :(********

Ally's POV:

"What am I going to do?"
I asked myself laying on Chris's bed. He's in the shower, for real this time though. What if Matt never stops? Chris isn't always going to be there. What if Chris stops caring and forgets about me? Stop worrying Ally! Nothing is going to happen just-

The bathroom door opened and came out with just his jeans on. I couldn't help but look at his bare chest. His muscles made him look like a god and damn those abs. Oh god I'm staring. I'm staring.

He went over to his dresser and grabbed a grey shirt. Still staring Ally!

He pulled it over his head and then covered him self. Wow, I'm still staring.

I looked up at his eyes and realized he was looking at me. Ah shit he caught me.


He said laughing.

I yelled blushing.

He was still laughing so I chucked a pillow at him.

"Oh I see how it is."

He said smiling as he ran towards me. I tried to run but his strong yet gentle arms wrapped around my waist as he pinned me down on the bed and started tickling me as he practically sat on me but didn't put his weight on me.

"hahaha stop! haha please! ahaha!"
I kept laughing like a physco and he wouldn't stop.

"Truce! Truce!" 

I begged as he stopped and looked at me.

His smile that he gave me wasn't amazing, it was goofy, but it still made my heart stop. I wonder if he can ever look imperfect. I started laughing harder at his face.

His eyes met mine and I stopped laughing. His smile went back to the amazing one that I loved the most.

"I love your laugh."

He said making butterflies form in my stomach.

"I love your goofy smile."

I said giggling as I poked his rib.

I asked as his face went serious.

"Will you be my girlfriend?'

He asked me looking into my eyes so adorabley.

"You're asking me this while sitting on top of me after tickling me to death?"
I said teasingly. He raised an eyebrow.

"So you're saying no?"

He asked nervously yet still smiling.

"Oh I'm saying yes."

I said wrapping my arms around his neck pulling our faces together as our lips joined in a sweet kiss. Wow, I'm kissing my boyfriend, and it isn't Matt. I was even more happier that it was Chris. He's amazing. I didn't even have to think. I had to say yes. Because I knew if I would have said no I'd be the stupidest girl in the world, probably even more stupider than that.

I smiled against his lips and he pulled away looking at me.

He asked smiling back at me.

"Oh nothing boyfriend."

I said poking his rib.

He brushed my nose with his index finger and leaned back in to kiss me again but paused when we were really close.

"I promise I won't let him hurt you."

He said and I believed it with everything in me. I knew Chris cared about me and wouldn't let Matt hurt me. He kissed me tenderly and I felt like the luckiest girl in the world. 



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