The Party

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Please comment on this as I REALY don't know how this is going. Should I add more chapters???? or should I delete this thing????? You tell me in the comments.


Lucy's P.O.V

The clock says 5 to 7:00. Damn you Dan and your sudden parties. I don't mind parties usually but when you get a text from your friend saying 'Lucy, Just hit a new milestone. Come over to my flat, bring drinks at 7pm' at 6:55, you get a bit annoyed. As I frantically slip on jeans and a T-shirt one of my flatmates comes in my room to see me hopping around, trying to put socks on that seem suddenly too small for me.

"Dan throwing another party?" she askes. I nod, unable to talk because of the hairband in my mouth. "You want me to drive?" I nod again, before removing the hairband and tying my hair into a somewhat passable ponytale.

"Thanks Liz." I breathe, suddenly tired out from rushing so much. I run to the kitchen and grab a six-pack of beer and a six-pack of coke. I don't have to tell Liz the way to Dan's flat, he actually threw quite a few parties and since Liz was the only one with a car she was used to taking me there.

I get buzzed up to Dan's flat, I knock on on the door and am greeted by a rather panicked Phil. "Oh my god Lucy, I'm so glad your here." Phil grabbes hold of my sleeve and pulls me into his and Dan's flat.

"God, Phil" I scold, slapping his hand away playfully "what's the matter?" he points at a massive banner that says GO DANISNOTONFIRE! written on it in... ketchup? "What the hell is that?" I demand.

"Dan's bedsheet." Phil tells me matter-of-factly. I am about to ask two million and two more questions when I hear a loud cheer coming from the kitchen. Still holding my beer and coke in each hand I go to see what was happening.

I regret it the moment I walk into the kitchen. Dan is standing on the counter while a bunch of people that I've never seen before. Turns out that cheer was from the small crowd watching Dan. He is topless. I cover my eyes before I get permanatly damaged. I let a small gap between my hands to keep an eye on Dan as Phil seems to have disapeared.

When Dan is finished entertaining his audience he spots me. Or more correctly, he spots the drinks I've brought. "Hey! There she is!" Dan smiles "and she brought drinks too!" he added rather un-tactfully. Dan jumps down from the counter but he lands akwardly.

"Oh my god Dan are you alright?" I panic but he just laughes and gets up

"Obviously Lucy, god, you're such a worry guts. Besides, how can I be anything but amazing today?" Dan looks dizzy and he's slurring his words.

"Oh yeh, what are you celebrating?" I ask. He looks as if he's thinking really hard before answering

"I can't remember" Dan's thoughts are suddenly forgotten as he trys to grab the beer in my hand. He misses and grabbs my hip instead. I slapped it angrily. Dan looks like a five-year-old who knows he's in trouble. "Sorr-y" he grunts "just give me the god-damn beer." It's only then that I realise he's still toppless.

"Put your T-shirt back on first." I order him but then I realise that his T-shirt appears to be in two peices. It seems he ripped it off himself in his drunkeness.

The only thing I can do is call off the party "Sorry but the party's over." I call as I enter the kitchen. I am met with a group of horrified faces.

"You can't just kick us out because you want to spend time alone with Dan" Some blonde said to me. Now it was my turn to look horrified.

"God, you're so selfish, taking Dan all for yourself, you're not his only friend." added a brunette. That was when I rally lose it

"Who even are you all, I've never seen any of you before!" I practically shout. You can probably tell that I'm pretty annoyed at this point.

After a lot of arguments and some threats (not by me) I finally get them to leave. I then make my way into the sitting room to find the still-toppless Dan had now taken off his trousers, leaving Phil to try to convince him to put tem back on. We decide to put Dan's trousers on him as there doesn't seem to be muh chance of him putting them on himself.

We wrestle Dan into his trousers and Phil goes into Dan's room to get him a fresh T-shirt. Suddenly I am pinned against the wall. Dan looks at me, he smiles. That's enough for me.

"Phil! Phil!" I scream as I see the smile wiped away from Dan's face.

"So It's Phil isn't it?" Dan looks really angry as he lets go of me

"What?" I'm completely baffled

"It's Phil you love, isn't it?"

"What?" what on earth is he going on about? That's when Phil enters the room.

"You dirty, rotten, lying pig!" Dan attacks Phil who drops the T-shirt and towel he is holding and ducks. Smart. Dan, obviously infuriated by this, takes another swipe but misses.

Then he does something strange, he starts to cry. I'm completely stumped by what he is doing. Then he speaks "Why does nothing go right for me? I mean, if I can't at least have you then I can't have anybody." ouch.

Whilst he is rambling on about how dropping out of uni was the worst mistake of his ife, me and Phil lay out the towel on the sofa. I gestue to Dan to sit on the towel.

"Ok I'll sit next to you but that's only because no-one cares about how I feel" He is officially spouting nonsence. When he is sitting down I get up and shuffled his feet around. "What are you doing you-" then he falls asleep. Exactly how I wanted him to. On the towel, that is. I look at Phil over our snoring friend.

"You should probably sleep in My room." Phil informs me

"Right" I relply before throwing Dan's T-Shirt on the sofa "and you will be sleeping where?"

"In here, to make sure nothing happens." Phil replied. Before I go to bed I check Dan's facebook and twitter to make sure he hasn't done anything to get himself banned from the internet. On facebook he has posted a picture of his bum, nothing too bad and I quickly delete it. I go on twitter and I see it. Sitting there in black and white was the comment 'Wild party at mine! anyone wanna come?' Followed by his adress.

Dan had told the world where he lives.

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