Chapter Ten: What Went Down

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As i walked into the kitchen, everyone looked up and rejoiced. They were happy to see me. I looked over at Daniel from the corner of my eye, i saw him pull out a knife. Very slowly.

I smiled. As Daniel started to get up, i pulled my most powerful mix of gases and fumes out and sprayed it in his face. I ran around spraying it on them.

At first i thought it wasn't working. So I took the top off and splashed it in their faces. They fell down weeping.

Then all of a sudden.... It got quiet. I walked over to each one of them to make sure they were breathing. Yes. Yes they were. I reached into the cabinet and grabbed the rope and sissors. Just to be safe, i tied Laylia and Fred's hands down.

I walked to Daniel and Ababgil and just looked at them and laughed. "Ha ha ha. Foolish Daniel. You cant touch me!"

I pulled Daniel and Abagil up the stairs to the attic. I grabbed te rest of the rope and tied them to the rail. Tied it real right.

I went back downstairs to make sure Laylia and Fred were still down in the kitchen. Good, they were.

I pulled their bodies to the basement stairs and pushed them down. I walked down to hang them on the roof of the basement.

Fred started to awake as I turned to walk away. "K-Kaylee? What are you doing? I thought you loved me? Kaylee please don't leave me here," he said, blood dripping out his mouth.

"My name is Jessica. Jessica Parker. I'm your sister. Remember little ole me?" i said with a smile on my face. I turned to him. He started to cry.

"Why Jessica? Why?" he asked.

"Really? You're asking me why? After everything you did to me you think you can sit here and ask me, why? Oh haha, very funny son! You kill me," i said.

I left and went back to see if Abagil and Daniel were up. Daniel was woke awake and Abagil was slowly waking up. I smiled and walked to a dusty box. I reached into it and grabbed a baseball bat and a couple balls.

"Nooo!!! Kaylee don't do this! You don't have to-", Abagil was cut off by Daniel. "You idiot! Thats Jessica! Jessica Ann Parker! Our daughter. You sor-". I cut him off with a smack to the face.

"Shut up, Daniel!! Didnt nobody ask you to say anything. And yes, Abagil, i am Jessica. In the living flesh! Ahahaha! Did yah miss me? Well guess what 'mom and dad'? IM BAAACKKK!!" I said, very happily.

Abagil started to cry. "Why Jessica? Wh-" I through a ball at her and it smashed hard on her nose. Her nose began to bleed. Red blood was gushing outta her nose.

"Don't you even think about asking me why! Abagil you were nothing but a worthless mother. Why was i the one to get married, have kids, BE THE SEX SLAVE OF THE FAMILY? Why me? The youngest of all your three kids and i had to be the one. You guys had great jobs. Yall got paid a lot of money. So i really don't see why when I turned five, that was my one way ticket to hell! And they didnt even go to college! Laylia still works at fucking Mc Donald's and Fred works at a construction site and they both still live with their parents!! What the hell!!" i screamed at them.

Nothing but yells and curses came out my mouth. I almost cried. But I kept my guard down and told them how i felt.

Tears started running down their face. Apologies came here and there, but meant nothing to me.

"It's too late," i said, "You're time is up." I walked over to the box again and grabbed lighter fluid. I drenched their bodies with it.

They coughed and screamed and begged me to stop. Lighter fluid went in their mouth. Abagil looked up at me and cried.

"Jessi-- Jessica im sorry. i really **coughs** really am. Forgive me," she said.

I turned and looked at her as I began to leave. I shook my head and went down the stairs. Screams and yells came out her mouth. I just ignored and continued my business.

I went back down to the basement. Fred was crying. Pouring tears out of his eyes. The blood from his nose had dried.

"I'm so so very-", i cut him off.

"Shut up. Shut your damn face! I don't wanna hear that. 'You're sorry. You're sorry' crap. You wasn't saying that when you was raping me!!! And Laylia, my dearest sister, Laylia. See now you didnt do nothing to me. Rememer? You told Kaylee that you made me chocolate chip cookies and watched movies with me all the time. Hahaha. Liar. Why did you let them do that to me? Why was you always calling me a hoe, a skank, a dike, and all that stuff? I WAS FORCED TO DO THAT SHIT!! Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you, an fuckkk youuu! Have a nice day," i said to them.

I walked under the stairs. I pulled out a box and grabbed lighter fluid. I poured it over their heads. All down their bodies. Fred started choking on it. I grabbed another box of lighter fluid. I started pouring it slowly as I was exiting the house. When i finally got outside, i poured the last of it in front of the house.

I reached into my pocket and grabbed a lighter.....

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