-A letter-

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Dear Donald Trump,

Why do you think men are so much more superior to women? I'm not saying Women are greater then Men, or White people are greater to black, because I believe everybody is equal when it comes to prosperity and rights. No matter the skin color, race, heritage, gender, sexuality.  If your mother never existed, you wouldn't be here. In fact, I truly wish she never existed so America would never have to harbor such a monstrosity such as yourself. You think building petty walls and starting wars is gonna solve the Worlds problems? Grow up, you self-conceited brat. I'm just waiting for the day you get assinated, it will surely do everyone a favor. Just because not everybody thinks, looks, and acts like you doesn't mean they don't have their own feelings, rights, and opinions. You do realize how many families and relationships your tearing apart, right? Or are you blinded by greed and selfishness? Why am I even asking this, I already know the answer, you believe your deeds are holy, but the truth is you've committed more sins then any of the Worlds inhabitants combined. And all you Trump supporters? Savages, the lot of ya. Get some contacts, because you clearly can't see facts. Why would you put such a vile, disguising man in the White House? Have you no shame, no honor, no selflessness? To make other families suffer for your own personal gain? Sickening. Completely sickening to know that the people around you want to torture you will the prospect of being threatened at every turn.

With my utmost wishes of your death,
                    {Insert name here}

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