Chapter 4

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Asia's POV


I woke up and groaned into my pillow as flashes of last night came back into my mind.  The only good thing that had happened was I got back to discover I had a new roommate and it was Jackie the little freshman.  She loved the way the room was painted and was going to go job hunting with me after school today.

 I went to all of my classes then went to my dorm room  where I had agreed to meet up with Jackie.  We had talked about two places we could go and possibly get jobs together: The ice cream shop and the book store.  Apparently they both had several spot open.

When I unlocked the door and walked into the room I was overwhelmed by the smell of Vomit and the sight of Jackie laid up in her bed. 

"Hey, are you okay?" I asked her trying not to breath in through my nose. "Do you want me to stay here with  you?"

'No I'm fine." She whispered before sending me on my way with instructions to tell the stores she would be calling to set up an interview some other time.   

I arrived at the mall and strolled in the direction of cold stone.  That's who I had my interview with first I set it up that way so I could warm up in the bookstore after spending time in the frigid ice-cream shop.

My first interview went fairly well but it ended with me shivering so hard I hoped I didn't get the job after all. 

When I walked into my second interview in the small family owned bookstore I was greeted by the owner with a warm hug.

"Hello, my name is Juan." The man said as his wife released me.  "You have already met my wife Juanita."

I shook Juan's hand and he led me into a back room where he interviewed me.  After the interview he told me I was hired and took me on a tour through out the building.

It was a nice place and I stayed for about an hour afterwards just looking through the selection of books.  When I finally left it was to answer my phone which I did without looking at it.

That is what lead to my vow to always check caller ID.             

"Hello," I said to the phone in a happy tone.

"Looks like I caught you at a good time," The voice said and I felt the smile slide off of my face as I realized who I was speaking to.

"What do you want from me Grant?" I asked him clenching my fist angrily as I thought about what he had done.

"Now is that any way to speak to your father?" He asked as if he still had the right to call himself that.

"yes it is." I snapped at him as I got into my car and pulled out of the mall's parking lot.  I was now driving at a furious pace.

"What ever," He told me in a tone that meant he didn't even remember why I hated him.

"What did you want?" I hissed out knowing that if I hung up on him now he would continue to call me until I listened to what he wanted.

"Well, I'm getting married to my lover named Gertrude." He began only to be cut off by a furious voice that it took a second for me to realize was mine.             

"Your lover Gertrude?" I asked in a tone that was supposed to tell him to shut up right then.

My father who had never been able to take a hint continued talking. "Yes Gertrude and I are getting married and We wanted you to come."

"Oh I feel so honored." I told him.

"I told  her you'd feel that way." He said and I could practically see him beaming in my mind not at all understanding the sarcasm.

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