Life sucks. I've lost one friend to suicide already. And I might've lost one to a hurricane. But I feel I'm about to lose a third.
All because of an ass hole.
I'm glad the depressed are my friends, cause I can try and help them. That's what I do. Help. Help so people don't feel like me. Help so people don't reach points I've reached.
But when I help, and I still end up losing a friend, I feel I have failed. Failed because I think I was the reason.
Life sucks because I'm in it. Life sucks because I didn't die at six week old. Life sucks because for some fucked up reason, God or whoever thought I would do some shit with my life. But instead, I'm over here listening to friends left and right saying how I should stop caring and that maybe my friend would still be alive if I wasn't.
Yeah, they've said that. They say it over and over, words that create craters in my heart and mind. But I keep a straight face and joke, so they continue, thinking it's fine.
Fuck life.
This is what happens when I don't take my pills -_-