Chapter 3: R&R.

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Hours passed by as the operators prepped weapons, checked gadgets, read up on everything currently known about the situation they were entering, and studied blueprints of the office complex, it was at the end of the day and, with all preparation checked and double checked off, Miles pulled out a bluetooth speaker and his phone and played a random playlist of songs by Yellowclaw, the first one being DJ Turn It Up. He then challenged everyone to a shooting challenge. Jack was the first to eagerly accept, he boldy stated "I'm going to destroy last time's high score, man."

The rest gradually accepted the challenge one by one, including Marius and Dominic. Dominic's earlier idea about electrified needle grenades was proven to be effective, the needles together stunned him. they could probably manage to make a few grenades full of the needles before the raid tomorrow.

Everyone began to take turns trying to headshot every target as fast as they could. As everyone was expecting, Jack not only broke the previous record; firing a round into 9 targets in about 5 seconds, but he left everyone else with little chance to compete.

Eventually the director stepped out of her office, shooing them off "Alright you guys, head home. I need you all up bright and early tomorrow to hit them while they're still waking up. Rest well."

Everyone put their weapons up, saying their goodbyes to the director and to each other before leaving. Dominic and Marius were the last to leave. The two made four electric needle grenades before leaving, the two deciding on the nickname 'Doctor's special' because of the fact that they were needles and they...'tingled'.

They put the grenades with the rest of their gear for tomorrows op and left for home.

It was 7:24 PM when they finally made it home. The house was as they left it. Their breakfeast plates gathered dust on the couch, Marius freaked out and began to clean up around the room, scolding himself out loud for leaving such a mess.

Dominic sat down on the couch, rolling his eyes as he turned on the tv, flipping through channels trying to find something decent, "You're such a clean freak, dude."

Marius finished cleaning, walking over and punching Dominic on the shoulder as he plopped down on the couch next to him, they both shared a laugh.

They sat and watched Frasier, which seemed to be the best on at the moment, they both sat quietly, only occasionally sharing a chuckle when something comedic happened.

Dominic casually layed his arm across the top of the sofa, not realizing his hand had landed on Marius's shoulder.

It didn't take long for that feeling to return to Marius, it slowly crept up his body, starting in the stomach, then the heart. He looked over at Dominic, seemed to be too distracted by the show to notice him staring.

'I never realized how cute D-' Marius stopped the thought dead in its tracks, his eyes wide as he turned away.

He sat in silence, for a moment before pulling his phone out of his pocket, the movement causing Dominic to notice that his hand was on his friend, he adjusted it "Sorry, about that", Marius was startled, not expecting Dominic's sudden apology. "Oh, it's fine! Hah, great, no problem." He stammered out clumsily, Dominic was about to ask him why he was stammering but decided against it and turned back to the TV.

"Hey, so, uh, I'm feeling a bit nauseated. Gonna go ahead and head to bed. Goodnight." He hastily stood up and walked to his room, his friend confused, responded "Oh, alright, night."

Marius closed the door behind him, now alone in his dark bedroom, he entered the small bathroom that was coupled with his bedroom and turned on the shower, searching through his list of contacts until he landed on Monika's number, Monika was the only female in the GSG9 branch Team Rainbow, and him, Dominic, and Elias always looked to her for advice, he reluctantly texted her

You: Hey, you up?

He waited a moment, sitting on the bed as the shower ran cold water.

Sis: Yeah, what's up? Just introducing our two new members to Team Rainbow, showing them around our HQ in Spain.

Marius sighed, responding

You: Lately, I've been feeling off around Dominic, I can only describe it as being nauseated and stressed out at the same time. Any idea what i'm coming down with?

He waited for a response, none came. After a minute or two he assumed she was busy and went ahead and undressed, warming up the water and stepping in.

As he bathed himself, he couldn't help but ponder on the thought some more. Was he...attracted to Dominic? He never felt this way until recently, he didn't know how to process it.

'No, no,no. I must be feeling ill today, and this raid will be dangerous. It might just be stress and sickness piled on top of each other!'

Marius tried to push the thoughts aside as he quickly bathed before getting out and drying off. He searched through his suitcase, pulling out a white T-shirt as well as pair of boxers and shorts .As he put on his nightware, his phone vibrated, he finished putting on his clothes and grabbed his phone, flinging himself tiredly at the bed, sliding under the covers.

Sis: Sorry for the late response. Stressed out and sick to the stomach? And it's only around Dominic? Marius...Do you like him?

Marius cockily replied;
You: Well, of course I do, don't you? He's pretty cool guy, and a reliable teammate.

A pause, Monika deleting and starting her next message a few times before finally responding;
Sis: No, like...Do you like like him.

Marius sighed, spilling how he truly felt.

You: I think I do mon, ugh, what do I do? I'm not sure if he feels the same way...

Sis: Won't know till you make the first move and reveal your true colors. Anyways, Director is calling me for a status report. Sleep well bro.

You: Night, sis.

Marius turned off his phone and set it off to the side. closing his eyes, he drifted to sleep with thoughts of Dominic joining him on his dream voyage.

(Sorry this chapter was short, I was hoping to try to get as close as I can to 1500-2000 words per chapter but sometimes it turns up short. The story is building up nicely though, eh?)

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