Chapter 6: Revelation

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As Marius went limp, Dominics eyes went wide. He grabbed Marius' s wrist and checked his pulse. It was faint, but still there.

He grabbed the glock the terrorist had dropped and stood up, Monika had the man pinned. "Move." He managed to get out through gritted teeth as he aimed the pistol at the man, Monika turned her head and stared at him for a moment, she shook her head "He needs to be questioned Dominic, we ca-"

He stepped forward with a flare of anger in his eyes and crouched down, grabbing a leg "Tend to Marius, I'll question him now" he replied coldly.

Monika opened her mouth to protest, but he shouted "Go!" Before she could say anything. She reluctantly got off of him.

The man began to try and get up but failed miserably after receiving a pistol whip to the temple, Dominic laughed "You fire two rounds into my best friend and think I'll let you walk? People like you didn't last long in the cartel, stechen."

He pinned the man down with his free arm and jammed the pistol into his left leg with the other "An eye-" he began as he fired a round into the man's kneecap "-For an eye" he finished as he moved the pistol to the other kneecap and fired.

"Enjoy being a cripple, you dick!" He stood up and kicked the guy across the face, he went limp, but was still breathing.

He turned his attention to Marius and rushed back over to help stop the bleeding, a few seconds passed when he quietly said "Sorry, had a bit of a..."

Monika shook her head "It's fine, your time in the cartel had it's toll, Doc already let Six know you'd have flashbacks and relapses...And that guy deserved it, truthfully."

Dominic nodded and sighed, thunder boomed overhead as the afternoon sky continued to grey over them. Monika checked Marius's pulse, her eyes went wide as tears began to well up, she quickly turned to Dominic "We're losing him, Dom..."

Dominic grimaced, he could feel tears coming up himself. It had been years since he really cried, sure he shed the occasional tears during his breakdowns but it had been a long time since he cried over the death of a specific person. The cartel often 'replaced' people, Dominic lost friends almost as soon as he made them, making it hard to find time to grieve in between so many deaths.

Two armored swat trucks sped into the van, smashing it onto it's side, an ambulance followed, parking closer to 3 Germans, emergency operators jumped out and flew into action, heaving Marius onto a stretcher and sprinting him into the ambulance.

Dominic began to jog towards the ambulance but Monika stopped him "Stay and explain everything to Six, I'll go with Marius."

He hesitated, but eventually nodded "Fine. Keep me updated."

Six stepped out of the first Swat van followed by Twitch and Valkyrie

"What the hell happened here?!" She shouted, not necessarily in an angry way but rather out of shock and surprise.

"I went out for a ride on my chopper, noticed a suspicious van, followed it, it stopped in front of our house, out poured a group of angry terrorists, house got lit up" he pointed to the bullet riddled half standing wall where the window used to be.

"Together we took out most of them but that-" he stopped himself and angrily pointed at the man responsibly for Marius's injuries "-guy got Marius real bad, he might be dead thanks to him...So I kneecapped him."

Six raised an eyebrow "You don't mean-"

He smirked "Yes, I crippled him, bullet went clean through both kneecaps, he'll be having trouble walking but he'll talk for you just fine."

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