2 and a half years later

7 2 0

Loooool what was that shit. Back then I was young and naive, now I am a 6th former. Owning the school, envied by the younger pupils, they wish they were as cool as us. Our squad is on point.
The new editions:
There's this cool laid back kid who sits next to be every other Friday morning- the best time of the week. Sometimes during this very special time, the legs of our chairs sometimes touch...I hear he has a giant penis too...
I want him, but he doesn't know, well at least he pretends he doesn't. Though when our eyes meet over across the room with Whitney Houston's when I will always love you playing, I know we both know.
There's this kid called Margret who's an absolute gold digger (but is also an absolute ledge) who's going out with this Jewish, Indian dude from private school who payed £60 a day for his 15 A*s.
In other news Lola is a loner who recently became pregnant after having vigorous intercourse with a colleague at the old people's home where she works.  In fact I'm pretty sure it was a threesome, Arnold and garnold, two ww2 veterans, fond of Lola to say the least, charged into battle with their beef bayonets and pork swords and conquered Lola. As wrong as this notion sounds, it would be unfair to judge Lola for her actions for she couldn't resist the taste of their salami sticks. They fixed bayonets and charges the trenches with their maces resulting in an endless night of euphoric pleasure that Lola would never forget.

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