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(Y/N)'s POV
"Those buses are... Shit. They're huge." Sam exclaims
"I think that there's names of whoever's in which bus on the doors" Rebecca says "as in, a piece of paper, taped to the door." As we walk around the front of the first bus, Jessie goes to check the door.
"It says Normani, Ally, Jessie, Rebecca on it. C'mon Bec!"
"We must be in the other bus then, Sam."
"With Laura and Dinah"
"Uh, it's Lauren. Not 'Laura'." I correct
"I know. I was just messing with ya."
"Sam, you should know by now to not mess with me. Unless you want a broken arm or something..." I joke
"Anyway, let's check out this bus!" Sam says, and we start to climb aboard.
"Oh." Sam says
"My." I second
"God." We both finish
"This is amazing."
"I'll just sleep in here!" I joke, before we head down a hallway.
"(Y/NN)! This bedroom...."
"I bags this bunk!" I say, chucking my stuff onto a bottom bunk (A/N just cos I personally dislike top bunks) that's next to a window, as Sam throws her bags onto the bunk above mine.

"HOWDY!" We hear a loud yell from the front of the bus.
"Dinah?" I question
"That's my name, don't wear it out." The two quarters of Fifth Harmony come into the room.
"Aw, guys, you got the best bunks." Lauren moans, as both her and Dinah put their stuff onto their beds - conveniently, Lauren's bed being across from mine, and Dinah's across from Sam's.
"Who's got the squirrel duvet?" Dinah asks
"That would be (Y/N)," Sam says. "She's got some sort of weird obsession with them."
"Sam, you're the one with a bloody Emma Watson body pillow." I retort
"Humph." She grumbles.
"Anyway, we need to learn more 'bout y'all." Dinah says.
"Well, I'm Sam Watson, I'm 18 years old, and I'm gay." Sam says.
"I'm (Y/N) Edwards, I'm also 18,"  Both Sam and I have had to add two years to our ages for the mission - it means that we'll be able to go to bars and clubs with the girls (A/N I don't know how this stuff works in the US) "But I'm straight." As I speak, I see Lauren's face fall. Not sure why, I just let it pass. "Anyway, I'm gonna watch Netflix on my phone for a bit." I discreetly wink at Sam, signaling that I wanted to talk.
"Yeah, I need to catch up with Orange Is The New Black." Sam says
"Well, we're gonna head to the other bus and see Mani and Allysus." Dinah says
"See you later." Lauren says as they head out of the bedroom.

"What did ya wanna talk about?" Sam asks
"I've noticed something that could help us with the mission,"
"Go on."
"I think that Lauren likes me, and if we ended up together, I'd get be with her more often. Do you think I should pretend to like her back?"
"I see no harm in that. But what about when we have to leave?"
"I'll find some excuse."
"Probably just talk to Jacob first."
"PUT YOU HANDS IN THE AIR, Y'ALL!" Sam and I both jump about a metre in the air, putting our hands up at the same time. "FOOLED YOU!"
"Fuck you, Dinah."
"Guys, come to the lounge. The other girls are here, and we're gonna play truth or dare."
"I'M IN!" Sam screams and runs out the door
"Does she usually act like a 16 year old?" Dinah asks
"Uh..." I mumble "uh, yeah. I 'spose."
"HURRY UP, PEEPS!" Normani hollers

"(Y/N), truth or dare?" Sam asks me.
"Kiss Lauren." I can tell that this is part of a plan to get Lauren and I together, so I don't disagree with her.
"Alright." I see a blush creeping onto Lauren's face. I stand up, and walk over, kneeling in front of her. I place my hands onto the sides of her face, and start leaning in. Lauren is looking at me in disbelief as our lips touch, and we start kissing.
"YEAH! (Y/S/N)! MY SHIP IS SAILING!" Normani screams
"BAGS I'M CAPTAIN!" Sam yells
"THAT'S MY JOB!" Dinah hollers
"Notice how Allysus is just sitting through this all and not giving a shit?" Jessie muses
"Huh?" Ally replies, looking up from her phone.
"Look at Lauren and (Y/N), Ally." Rebecca says, and I feel a sharp smack on the back of my head, causing me to pull away from Lauren, looking behind me to see Ally standing with a Bible gripped firmly in both of her hands.
"No. Kissing. On. This. Bus."
"Ally calm down, it was just a dare. It means nothing." I say, and see Lauren's wide grin disappear and being replaced with a sad frown.
"Actually though, where've Dinah and Sam gone?" Rebecca asks. We all look around, only to see that the pair have disappeared.
"Shit." I say, before running outside.
"Sam, what've you done?!"
I'll try to update fairly soon - and I've decided that with this story I'm gonna upload three chapters at once, so you'll have to wait a bit longer than usual, but get more chapters at once.
Anyway, I hope you enjoyed these three chapters

- Sophie

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