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(Y/N)'s POV
"Ok, guys," the doctor says "I've got some good news-"
"Awesome," Sam says
"But I've got some bad news, too."
"It's alright, Mani," Ally comforts Normani, who looks like she's about to cry
"Dinah's alright." Jessie says, patting her on the back
"Can we have the bad news first?" Lauren asks
"Dinah's suffered a minor concussion," Normani gasps "And she won't be able to perform for a week or so."
"So you guys might need to postpone the tour for a bit?" Jessie asks
"No," Lauren says determinedly "We've performed without one member before, and we can do it again."
"What's the good news, doc?" I ask
"She's awake, and you can go in, a few at a time. Bear in mind that she's not supposed to speak much, though."
"Mani, you go in first," I say "Go with Jessie."

"You alright?" Rebecca asks Normani as she and Jessie exit Dinah's room
"Yeah," she says "I'm better."
"Dinah's fine. She doesn't quite remember what happened, but she seems to remember everythig else." Jessie says
"Sam, you go in now." I say
"Alone?" she whines
"No," I say "I'm coming in too."
"And make sure you say a sincere apology." Rebecca says
"No groaning," Jessie says
"No humphing, either." I say, as we go into the room
"Hi, Dinah," I say
"How are you?"
"Well, my head hurts, I can't perform for a week, I can't watch TV, and I can't use my phone. I'm just fine." Dinah says grumpily
"I'm sorry, Dinah." Sam says "For causing this."
"Wait," Dinah says "You did this?" she points to her bandaged head
"Well, I suppose I was a contributing factor"
"She was. In fact, Sam was probably the contributing factor." Sam shoots daggers at me
"What do you mean?" 
"Well.." Sam says, and I look pointedly at her "I mean, we were running around..."
"And I tripped you up, pretty much."
"Oh," Dinah says
"I'm really sorry." Sam says
"It's alright," Dinah winces slightly, bringing her hand up to her head "I needed more sleep anyway."
"You ok?"
"My head's sore."
"Shall I send in the others?"
"I guess." 
Sam and I leave the room, waving slightly to Dinah as we go.

"The rest of yous can go in now," I say, and Ally, Lauren and Rebecca get up.
"Will Dinah be allowed to go home today?" Jessie asks the doctor
"We'll run a couple more tests on her after those four have come out, just to confirm that she's fine, we'll give her some meds, and then she should be set to go."

"It'll be pills, right?" Sam asks
"Yup. She'll need three each morning, and we'll give her some painkillers too."

"Sam, you can make sure that she remembers them each morning." I say

"I can do that," Normani says
"Nah, it's fine. You're in different buses anyway." I say "But you can remind Sam to remind Dinah, if you want."
"Hi guys," Ally says as she, Lauren and Rebecca come back in.

"You alright?" I ask
"Yeah," Lauren says "It's just kinda weird, seeing someone that you know so well, who's so energetic usually, being so.. not energetic."

"I know that feeling," Jessie says "Once, (Y/N) managed to break Rebecca's wrist when they were practicing karate, and we all went to the campus med- I mean, hospital, to see her."
"I'd forgotten about that," Sam says, before talking to me "You shouldn't be angry at me if you've done something worse to someone else previously."
"It was a complete accident, unlike what you did to Dinah." I whisper "And we're supposed to be protecting them. Not beating them up."

"She's on mild anesthetic at the moment." the doctor tells us "So she'll be slightly delirious, but also pretty tired. She should go to bed asap; and, make sure that she doesn't have access to devices. Oh, and she shouldn't have conversations, either. Just a few words now and then is alright."
"Alright," Ally says "And the pills?"
"Dinah should take one of each sort of pill every morning with a glass of water, before breakfast, until they run out. When they do run out, take her to a doctor's clinic or a hospital, and give them a form - which I'll print out now. She'll just need a checkup, but she should pretty much be good to go."
"Is she allowed to go onstage, but not sing?" Normani asks
"As long as she has sufficient ear protection, it's fine. Oh, and she shouldn't do any form of physical exercise."
"Alrighty then," Lauren says
"One of you, come with me - and you'd better be strong."

A few minutes later, I'm stumbling out of Dinah's room, with her riding piggyback.
"The van's out front," Rebecca says
"Is this real life?" Dinah asks drowsily
"Yes, Dinah. It is real life." Lauren says, unamused.

"Who're you?" she asks, pinching my cheek 
"Ow," I say "I'm (Y/N)."
"I REMEMBER YOU!" Dinah screams in my ear as we leave the building "I WANNA GO DOWN THE STAIRS!"
"No, we need to go down the ramp." Ally says "Otherwise, (Y/N)'s gonna drop you."

"I'll get Rob to move the van to the bottom of the ramp, should I?" Normani asks
"Nah, it's fine." I say "We'll go down the stairs, Dinah."
"Jeez," I say "Can you be just a bit quieter?"
"I AM QUIET." Dinah yells as I start to descend the stairs "THIS IS FUN!"
"I know," Normani says sarcastically "There's no adrenaline rush like the one you get going down three whole stairs."
"Your carriage awaits, m'ladies." Sam slides the door on the side of the van opens, and ushers Dinah, now dismounted from my back into the vehicle
"Thanks, Sam." I say
"S'alright." Sam says, pulling me aside "(Y/N), I'm sorry for hurting Dinah. I feel really guilty about it, and I am truly sorry. I could have 'hurt' the operation, and I was completely stupid."
"It's ok." I say "We all make mistakes sometimes an- Shit, Sam, radio Jacob. There's a sketchy guy over there. He looks like he might be armed."
 "Jes, Bec. C'mere," I say coolly 
"There's a guy just by the entrance of the carpark. Rebecca and Jessie, you stay with the girls, but be alert. Take extra care of Dinah, make sure she doesn't do anything stupid, and Sam, you guard the van. I'm going to go and talk to him."

I'm really sorry about how late I updated this. Eek.
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