Chapter 15

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When I woke up it was about 11:30 am. My dad had to work today, Jake is probably spending time with Dawn, I am not sure what Alli is up to and Cody is in the studio. So I am home alone, and stuck with nothing to do. Not that I am complaining or anything I actually like it this way.

I grabbed my phone off the bedside table and saw that I had 6 text messages, 3 from Cody, 2 from Alli, and 1 from my dad.

I quickly read the texts from my dad, they basically said that he loved me and that I if it was an emergency to call him.

Now onto Alli's messages, The first said "Hey hope you feel better" and the second one said " Give me a call when you get up"

Now Cody's messages. :D

"Hey babe, How are you feeling?"

"Text me when you wake up"

"Hey, I should be out of the studio somewhere between 5:30 to 6 tonight if you feel up to coming over."

I quickly replied to Cody letting him know I was awake and that I felt better. Then I quickly dilled Alli's number.

Phone Convo: (A= Alli) (K= Kat)

A: Hello?

K: Hey, what did you need?

A: Oh, I was just wondering if you felt well enough to go shopping with me?

K: Yeah, sure just give me about 30 mins. and I will be ready to go.

A: Alright I will see you about 12 then and we can grab some lunch

K:Ok, see ya in a bit

A: Bye

~End of Phone convo~

(I had a more detailed part written out. But since I am really wanting to update for yall, and I hate typing I am not gonna add it unless I get demands to. so I am just going to totally skip the getting ready process. Ps. I am also skipping the lunch part to since it was a last minute idea.)

~At the Mall~

"Alright girls call me when you're ready for me to come get you or I will be here at 5 to pick you guys up" Angie said with a smile as me and Alli got out the car.

"Okay" me and Alli said at the same time. And giving her a sweet smile and a wave.

"Alright where to first?" I said as we walked through the entrance

"How about Forever 21" grabbing my hand and pulling me to the store.

"Do I have a choice?" I said reluctantly following her.

"No" she said sternly

~ 2 hours later~

So Alli and I have been at the mall for almost 2 hours. And we had not really been recognized until now.

So Alli was taking pictures and signing things for fans. And I was receiving glares, nasty looks, and being pointed and laughed at. I had to get out of there as quick as possible. I quickly told Alli that I had to use the restroom. I found the closest restroom which happened to be in the Starbucks that we where standing in front of. I made my way to the restroom as fast as possible and locked the door and sat in the corner on the floor. Yeah its not very sanitary but at the moment I couldn't have cared less.

I quickly dug through my purse till my hand touched the cold metal blade. yeah I know yall are like don't do it there is no need to, What about Cody, Alli, Dawn, Jake, your family and friends. They don't want you hurting yourself. But at this moment in time all that was pretty much irrelevant.......

~OHHHHHHHHHH. Cliffhanger.... AND OMG I UPDATED!!!! Will she cut? what happens next yall comment and let me know. Also someone will find out she is still cutting in the next chapter, Let me know who you think that is as ell. XOXO-Madi

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