Chapter 3

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Hey my lovely Koalas, I am going to try to be writing more of the story so here goes*********

"Its okay, my name is Cody" he said with his beautiful accent, I am pretty sure it was Australian. And it was very familiar. I wonder where I have heard it before. Then it hit me Cody + Australian accent must equal............. CODY FREAKING SIMPSON. I tried to keep my cool as best as possible and hope he does not remember me from yesterday.

"My name is Kathryn" I said disguising the fact we had meet just merely yesterday and that I rejected his offer to come up on stage.

Then I quickly remembered that I was hungry and was going to get some lunch. Oh and I have some family coming to the states from Australia.

"Hey Cody, I am sorry to just pull a hit and run but I really need to go" I said

"You're not going anywhere until I get your number angel" he said waving his phone around in his hand at me.

"Okay" I agreed and put my number in his phone and setting my name as Kathryn. When I was done I handed his phone back to him.

"Bye Cody, Nice meeting you" I said as I quietly added the again to only where I could hear it.

"It was nice meeting you too angel"

Then we walked our separate ways, me to the Surf Shack and Cody to who know where. When I finally reached the Surf Shack and walked up the beaten up wooden steps onto the creaking wood flooring and to the back of course saying Hi to Dave on my way through to the back of the tiny surf shack. When I got to the back I put my board back where I got it from, dusted off my sandy feet and put my sandals on and towel dried my wet curly brown hair and put my sundress on.

Now for the dreaded 15 minuet back to my house in the mid-day heat of Los Angeles. I decided I would call my dad and tell him I was on my way home. After I called my dad and told him I was on my way home I saw I had a couple of messages.

One from Stacy and the other from an unknown number. I decided I would just go ahead and read Stacy's to get it out of the way.

It read: Good choice on not going on stage last night. Oh and back off Cody is mine.

I could feel tears starting to sting my eyes. And all that was going through my head was all the things Stacy has done and said to me. So I tried to hold the tears in as long as possible and ran home as fast as possible turning a 15 minute walk into a 5 minuet run.

As soon as I got home I ran up to my room and just cried my eyes out till I couldn't take it anymore. And went to my bed side table drawer and opening it and grabbing out the cold shiny metal razor. I just fiddled with it for a while until I finally worked up enough courage to drag it across the soft vulnerable skin of my wrist. Just as I was dragging the blade across my wrist Jake my cousin came through the door and ran over to me and took the razor blade out of my hand and placed it on the cold ground in front of us.

As soon as I was calmed down and my breathing was almost back to normal. He asked why I was cutting. So I told him the whole Stacy situation that was going on at school and outside of school. And then told him about today and then let him read text she sent me.

*************Hope all my little Koalas enjoyed. I love all of yall. Oh and still looking for a contest winner so please read the authors note in the last chapter. Xo- Madi************

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