Chapter 18

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"KAT!!" "It's time to get up" Alli screamed while jumping up and down. And she was soon joined by Tom, as well as Brad and Angie.

"Really!" I screamed

"Kat. It's time to get up" Cody said giving me a quick kiss on the lips.

"But I don't want toooo" I whined

"But angle it's almost noon. You need to get up" he said sweetly rubbing my back little did he know that was only making me want to go back to sleep.

"Fine carry me" I said

"Really? I carried you last night, and your gonna make me carry you again?"


"And what do I gain for this?" By this time everyone was out of the room besides Alli who was most likely video tapping this on her phone.

"Muscles.... You are kind of in need of some" I said giggling. Of course I was joking. But by the look on Cody's face he didn't take it that way.

"Oh really I am the one in need of improving things. What about you? Huh. Your the one that's cutting and starving yourself maybe it's a good thing you are starving yourself you are kind of fat!" OMG really Cody why did you say that. As soon as the words left his mouth I got up and locked my self in his bathroom.

I sat there and cried. There was no doubt in my mind that I thought about cutting. But I promised Cody I wouldn't. I know he is being a jerk atm but I love him and I made a promise and I will live up to mine. Even if he doesn't live up to his. I stoop up off the bathroom floor and stood in front of the mirror. And like I always did I stood there till I worked op the courage to look at myself. When I finally did I looked like a wreck my face was steamed with tears. My eyes were red and puffy. And I don't want to even talk about my hair. Let's just say it is all over the place. I look like a freakin monster.

"KAT" someone screamed while knocking on the bathroom door.

"What!" I said In a stern voice.

"I'm sorry Kat. Babe I wasn't thinking when I said what I said." Please forgive me.

"Cody I wish I could give into you that easily. But I have been hurt one to many times. And gave in one to many times and I am not making the same mistake again. I love you yeah. But I will not forgive you that easily. I'm sorry. I knew putting down guard for some guy would end up in me getting hurt intentional or not" I said about to cry.

"You said you would go through this with me and that you cared. But then you turn around and tell me that I am the one in need of improving because I cut and am starve myself. And that it's a good thing I am because I am fat. What is going through your mind? Are you on some sort of drug. Because that Los not something the Cody I fell in love with would tell me. He would be there supporting me and telling me that I could get through this." The tears finally broke as I finished the last sentence.

"I'm sorry Kat. I was being a jerk and I took you seriously when you where actually just joking with me. I love you baby and I will still be with you every step of the way. I promise" I knew he meant it because I could here him crying through the bathroom door. I can't stay mad at him it is just impossible. I opened the bathroom door and ran and gave him a hug.

"I'm sorry" he said squeezing me into a really tight bone crushing hug. If he squeezed any tighter I think he might actually break my ribs.

"It's okay. I forgive you. And I love you too. But I am not going to stay here with you I need to get away I am going to see if I can hang with Jake and Dawn. And see if Dawn will let me spend the night with her for a couple of nights. But I promise you I will try to eat and that I won't cut! And I will call you three times a day maybe more and I will text you as much as I can okay..... Okay wow it sounds like you are going to be leaving for tour soon"

"Actually I have been meaning to talk to you about that. I have been meaning to talk to you about that I will have to tour in a couple of months and wanted to know if you wanted to come with me?"

"Yes I would love to. But I have school and my dad won't approve. So if you can somehow convince him and find a way for me to still get an education I am all for it." said laughing and grabbing my phone off the bedside table and called Dawn.

Phone convo: (D= Dawn K=Kat)

D: hey Kat

K: hey. Umm.... I was wondering if you would mind if I spent a few nights with you and if I could please hang out with you and Jake today as well. Seeing a he is my cousin and I haven't really spent much time with him.

D: yeah sure um meet us at the beach in 15?

K: yeah sounds good! See ya in 15. Love ya bye.

D: love ya too. Bye.

End of phone convo..........


Look I posted again today. I actually have ha nothing better to do since I don't have electricity. So I have been writing chapters for this story. So I hope y'all enjoy. I love you my little koalas. Xoxo-Madi ❤️🐨 ps. Don't get used to me updating like this lol. Like I said power has been out so I have nothing better to do. Lol

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